Cursed Heart (After Dark Book 4) Page 10
“We need to speak to Dalia about this. I’ve never heard of that happening before unless it’s some kind of magic. A male voice you said?”
“Then it might be the person who bit you. It would make sense if it was a guy given the level of brutality his attacks involve.”
“It’s definitely a panther, right? You said so after you saw the photos of the latest victim.”
He nodded. She lay back down, huddling close to him, her arm wrapped around his back. He nuzzled her hair. There was something nagging her about this evening. It wasn’t the strange voice in her head, but the other weird incident in the bar.
“In the bar, there was a strange guy who came in, but when he left… I could’ve sworn I smelt panther.”
He stiffened, his arms tightening around her.
“Izzy, I’m not going to let them get to you, okay? I’ll talk to Gareth about it.”
“I’m going to protect you from all of it.”
She was a little concerned about the tone of his voice. He sounded far more worried about the situation than he was letting on. She closed her eyes.
If this had got Rex spooked, then something was seriously wrong. She just didn’t know which part was more concerning. The fact that she could hear voices in her head or that the werepanther who had attacked her knew she was working at The Werehouse.
Chapter Twelve
They stood on the steps of a house, waiting patiently after Rex had rung the doorbell.
“Are we really meeting a witch?” Izzy asked.
“Neave said he was our best option. Dalia was no help at all,” Rex replied.
The door opened revealing a short girl with auburn hair and green eyes.
“Oh, hello, um… you must be the shifters, please come in,” the girl said.
They followed her inside through the hall and into a large living room.
“Alistair will be down in a minute, please sit,” she said, indicating the large leather sofa in the living room.
Izzy and Rex sat down, looking at the girl with interest.
“Oh, sorry, I’m Grace.”
“Izzy, it’s nice to meet you.”
Izzy gave her a bright smile. The girl seemed a little nervous.
“Can I get you a drink or something?”
They both shook their heads. Grace sat down in the armchair, twisting her hands in her lap.
“Sorry, I don’t usually deal with his clients. Um, Alistair said you’re… felines.”
“Panthers,” Rex said.
Grace’s eyes widened a little.
“Oh, that’s… well, I’m still getting used to this supernatural business.”
“Are you a witch too?” Izzy asked.
“Um, yes, but Alistair is much better at this stuff than me.”
A smartly dressed man with bright blue eyes and dark hair walked in. Grace jumped up, immediately going over to him. He wrapped an arm around her, kissing the top of her head.
“Are you okay?” he asked in a low voice.
She nodded, staring up at him with clear adoration in her eyes.
“Did you offer our guests a drink?”
“Alistair!” She smacked his chest. “I’m not completely devoid of social skills.”
He chuckled, leading her over to the armchair. He made her sit down, whilst he sat on the arm.
“So, you’re the werepanthers. I’m Alistair.”
“Izzy,” Rex said pointing at her. “Rex. Neave said you’re the best person to ask about magic.”
“Well, I’m flattered.”
Grace hit Alistair again, scowling.
“No one was trying to inflate your ego further,” she muttered.
Alistair looked down at her with an indulgent expression, ruffling her hair. She batted his hand away.
“What can I do for you?” he said, looking back up at the two of them.
“There are a few things I should explain first, about what’s been going on in the shifter community,” Rex said, leaning back, resting his arm on the sofa.
Izzy listened intently as he explained the murders and how she’d been turned. Alistair nodded along whilst Grace looked more than a little terrified of it all.
“Well, that’s a little… unnerving,” Alistair said when Rex had finished. “And you think he’s trying to communicate with her?”
“Don’t listen to Mr Sceptical over there. I know what I heard. He was inside my head,” Izzy said.
Alistair stood up, going towards one of the tall bookcases.
“I think I’ve heard of this before,” he said, running his finger along the spines.
He tapped on one, pulling it out and flicking through the pages. He brought it over to the two shifters.
“Since your community is so secretive, there isn’t much information on the process of the change, but I do believe this is what you are referring to.”
He handed the book to Izzy. She looked down at the page he’d indicated.
Full blooded shapeshifters may induce the change in a human. A bond is formed. The bitten are not beholden to the one who created them as is the way with a vampire and their sire. They may perform a binding ritual which tethers their life forces to one another or they may reject the bond.
She shivered. That sounded insane and terrifying. She read a little further but nowhere did it say how she could reject the bond. She handed it to Rex.
“So, I’m bonded to the one who bit me? That’s why he can communicate with me?” she asked.
“In a sense,” Alistair replied.
“It doesn’t explain that ritual or how to reject the bond.”
It was something they’d need to find out and soon. She didn’t like the idea of being bonded to a murderous psychopath.
“I would have to do more research. As I said, your community keeps its affairs under wraps.”
She sighed. This made her life far more complicated.
“Did you know about this?” she asked Rex.
“No. I don’t think many shifters know. The question we should be asking is, how does he know?”
They were all silent. Alistair sat back down on the arm of the chair, resting a hand on Grace’s shoulder. What could Izzy even say? This wasn’t what she expected to find out. In all honesty, I had no idea what to expect. This is all so surreal.
“Will you look into this more for us?” Rex asked.
“Of course,” Alistair said before he turned to Grace. “This means another trip to Quincy’s.”
“Oh, wonderful,” Grace replied, looking anything but happy about the news. “Breaking and entering is my absolute favourite pastime.”
Rex raised an eyebrow. Breaking and entering? Seems like there’s a story behind this.
“Oh, don’t listen to her,” Alistair said, waving his hand. “It’s all perfectly legal.”
“Well, I’ll leave it with you then,” Rex said, standing up. “Thank you for your time.”
He looked down at Izzy. She rose slowly, feeling a little apprehensive about everything she’d just learnt.
“You’re welcome. Tell Neave we’re even.”
Rex nodded.
“It was nice to meet you,” Izzy said to the two witches.
Grace gave her a hesitant smile.
“You too,” Alistair said, standing and walking with them to the door. “I’ll be in touch when I find something.”
They left, Rex taking her hand after the door shut behind them.
“Are you all right?” he asked. “That can’t have been easy.”
“No, being bonded to a murderer is not at the top of my list of exciting things to discover about myself.”
He was silent for a long time as they walked up the street. She didn’t want to be lost in her own thoughts. They were a mess. How are we going to get out of this? How am I going to live knowing I’m forever linked to the man who made
me a shifter?
“I know what we should do.”
She looked up at him, question in her eyes.
“Go for a run.”
“In broad daylight? Don’t you think someone would have something to say if they saw two jaguars running about?”
“Don’t worry, I know just the place. Trust me, it’ll help take your mind off it.”
Standing in a secluded, wooded area of Richmond Park, Izzy felt apprehensive.
“Just don’t go running off if you smell any deer,” Rex said as he shrugged off his leather jacket.
There was no way she was running off to hunt animals. She shuddered at the prospect. After Bart, she didn’t want more blood on her hands regardless of whether it was animal or human.
“Are you sure about this?”
“Perfectly. You did want to meet my animal form, right?”
She nodded. He tugged off his t-shirt before unbuckling his belt. She couldn’t help staring at him. Fuck. He is just so… I want him. I want him so much. He stood in just his boxers, eyebrow raised. She coughed, looking away.
“Aren’t you going to change with me?” he asked.
“Just give me a minute. Maybe you should first.”
Her panther paced, clearly excited.
“Do you want to watch?”
When she looked back, he was naked. Her eyes went wide, her mouth dry. He gave her a smile before he crouched down. The air around him shimmered, twisting and turning until he was obscured completely. When it cleared, there stood a huge cat. His fur caught the sunlight, the pattern emerging from under the coat of black. Her mouth dropped open. Rex was magnificent. She’d never been so close to such a big animal before. If she hadn’t known it was Rex in panther form, she’d have been terrified. She couldn’t be within touching distance of a wild jaguar.
He shook himself, stretching before padding over to her, caution in his steps. He sat by her feet, staring up at her.
“Holy shit.”
He gave her a slight mew in response. Even in human form, she understood what he’d said.
“You want me to pet you?”
He blinked at her. She tentatively reached out, running her fingers over the top of his head as she would a domestic cat. His fur was soft. He was in complete control of his other form. She crouched down to his level. Running her hand down his back. Her own panther pressed against her, wanting out.
“Rex… have you ever let anyone else touch you like this before?”
He shook himself again. She took that as a no.
“Well, I’m honoured. Have to say, you’re like seriously beautiful. I mean I know that’s not a very manly description, but handsome doesn’t cut it.”
Rex mewed again. She grinned. He was amused by her assessment.
“So, I know panthers are solitary. You’re not going to try and fight me… or… you know…?”
He mewed as if he was put out about her asking such a question.
“Okay, okay. I trust you.”
He had taken her out a few more times so she could shift under his watchful eye. She’d managed to gain a semblance of control over her panther, but her animal definitely had a mind of her own. She stood up, shrugging off her coat before beginning to drop her clothes in a pile by their feet. The shyness she’d felt the first time she’d gotten naked in front of him was gone. He’d been up close and personal with her enough times. She crouched down, letting her panther take over.
The change was no longer painful, but her skin still itched every single time. She sat staring at him when it was done. He stood, coming closer to her. She rose up on all fours as he sniffed at her. She sniffed him back.
When they were both satisfied by each other’s smell, he bounded off. He clawed a tree before climbing up it and laying on a large branch, his legs dangling off the side. She watched him for a moment before padding her way over. She wasn’t sure she could climb trees, but her panther had other ideas. She clawed the one next to his before scrambling up into the branches.
Rex was right. This was just the distraction she needed. She lay on the thickest branch, mimicking him. The sunlight on her fur felt wonderful. She closed her eyes, enjoying the sensation of the wind brushing against her.
She wasn’t sure how much time passed when she opened her eyes, but Rex was no longer in the tree next to her. She raised her head, looking around to find him curled around the bottom of her tree.
She scrambled down, standing before him. She brushed her head against his. He smelt so good. Her panther was excited by his presence and not in a way Izzy was comfortable with. Rex’s ears pricked up as if he noticed the shift in her demeanour. He stood brushing his own head against hers. He walked the length of her, his body flush with hers. She growled, low.
Cut it out, kitty! This is not cool! We are not mating with him. Not in this form. That’s just… too fucking weird.
Her panther growled again. She didn’t want an argument.
It wouldn’t be fair if you did it with his panther before I do it with him. This is still my body even though I change into you on occasion.
Izzy wanted to laugh at herself talking to her animal. This had to be the most ridiculous discussion she’d had in her life. Her panther grunted before moving away from him. She wasn’t happy. Not at all. Rex cocked his head, clearly confused. She bounded away, chasing up another tree before leaping through the canopy.
When her panther had finally worn herself out a little, she dropped back to the ground and lay on the floor. Izzy wanted to be a human again. Rex padded over to her, brushing his head against hers. She felt a stirring inside her. Damn it!
She concentrated, pushing her panther back down as her fur began to ripple and shift. She hated this part. It was always worse changing back to her normal form. She lay on the grass, completely bare. Rex sat next to her. The air around him rippled and soon he was normal again too. She flushed, realising they were both completely naked in front of each other for the first time. Rex’s eyes darkened significantly before he moved closer. He ran a hand across her cheek, staring down at her with those beautiful green, golden eyes of his.
“Izzy… there’s something I haven’t told you.”
She frowned. There was a lot he hadn’t told her.
“What is it?”
“I’ve never been with another shifter before. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve been with women… just never another of our kind.”
Of all the things he could’ve said, that was not one she was prepared for. Evan and Gareth told me it was more common for shifters to have relationships with each other than humans.
“Why… why not?”
“Never felt right. No one else smells right and they’re not you.”
Is this him trying to tell me how he feels about me?
“Did you think you were just some girl to me?”
“I don’t know what to think, in all honesty.”
She rolled onto her back. This wasn’t the type of conversation she envisioned having with him right after they’d shifted together for the first time. She wanted to get to know Rex, but she was so out of her depth with this whole thing between them.
“You’re impossible to read. When we’re with other people, it’s like I don’t really exist to you. I don’t even know what this is.”
“Do you need a label?”
“No, that’s not what I was saying.”
She sighed. What she wanted was for him to not make her feel like she was some kind of dirty secret. She’d had enough of feeling that way about her own life after Alan had made her become an escort. She wanted real. It was what she’d said to Rex after the they returned home from Hannah’s.
“Then what do you want, Izzy? Do you want me to be open about our relationship?”
“Is this a relationship to you? Because you know, you didn’t exactly ask me if I was a willing participant.”
He ran a hand through his hair, frust
ration appearing on his face. Fuck. I shouldn’t have snapped at him, but I’m fed up of him avoiding this shit with me.
“I’m not good at this sort of thing.”
“Well, maybe you should’ve thought it through before you decided to go down this path with me.”
She rolled away and got to her feet before storming over to her clothes and pulling them on. The conversation was getting them nowhere and now she was pissed off. He came up behind her, putting a hand on her arm.
She turned, eyes blazing with irritation.
“What, Rex? What do you want from me?”
“I’ve already spent the last two years being fucked around. My whole world was controlled by Alan. You fucking know that! You’re the only person I trusted with the whole truth. I thought you understood what I wanted. I thought I’d made it clear. Now, I feel stupid for trusting you. So, thanks for that.”
She felt an awful pain in her heart looking into his eyes. They were full of frustration and bewilderment. Serves him fucking right. If he was just honest with me. If he’d just made his intentions clear rather than hiding behind whatever shit he’s got going on. She looked away from him. There was nothing left to say. It had already escalated and she didn’t want to argue with him.
“I don’t want to talk about this anymore. I want to go home.”
The stab to her gut when she realised she thought of Rex’s flat as home, made her heart sink further. She was hurt. Far too hurt by his inability to clarify what exactly they were to each other.
Chapter Thirteen
When they got home, she stomped into the bedroom, slamming the door behind her. She kicked off her shoes and threw her coat on the floor before curling up in a ball on the bed. She sobbed, unable to prevent the tears from falling. She could smell him on the sheets and it made it so much worse. Why do I feel like this? Why does it hurt so much?
They hadn’t known each other long, but she’d trusted him with everything. She’d wanted to give herself to him. She felt so foolish. Why had she thought this was a good idea? Her heart ached with longing. The problem was she already felt things for Rex she’d never really felt for anyone else before. He’d been so kind and gentle with her. She felt safe with him.