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Debauched: A Dark Reverse Harem Romance (The Devil's Syndicate Book 4) Read online

Page 6

  “Is that where you’ve been? With them?” she asked, bitterness lacing her tone.

  “Do you even care where I’ve been? Why bother getting me away from Frank just to hand me back?”

  “You don’t understand. I had no choice.”

  “Then fucking explain it already.”

  I never swore at my mother but she was trying my patience. How could I understand when she wasn’t telling me a single damn thing?

  That’s when André interrupted us by bringing me over a tray with my tea and a cup of coffee for himself. Isabella looked up at him, almost startled.

  “Oh, it’s you.”

  “Mrs Russo,” he said, his tone polite as he eyed me warily.

  He picked up his mug, gave me a nod and moved away to a table a few feet away from us. I turned back to Isabella.

  “So Viktor dispatched one of his dogs with you.”

  “He didn’t want anything to happen to me. He doesn’t think you’re ever going to leave Frank for good so he took precautions since he cares about my safety.”

  Her eyebrows shot up. Viktor had told me that last night when we spoke about me seeing her today. I was personally happy to have André here since I didn’t trust her at all.

  “Your father—”

  “Frank is not my father.”

  “He raised you.”

  “And whose fault is that, huh? That I didn’t know who my real father was.”

  She flinched.

  “Ashleigh, if you’d let me explain—”

  “I’ve been waiting for you to explain since I sat down. You’re the one who’s reluctant to tell me the truth.”

  It felt good not to be the mindlessly obedient daughter any longer. I’d been under her and Frank’s thumb for so long. The boys had taught me an important lesson about freedom and choice. And the side I’d picked was theirs.

  She sighed and looked at her hands.

  “Frank and I had trouble conceiving. He seemed to think we just needed more time, but it’d been years. I knew it was him since I’d had my fertility checked but telling him that was impossible. You know what he’s like.”

  I knew all too well. I’d grown up fearing him and the repercussions of disappointing him.

  “I met Viktor when he was eighteen, just after he’d moved here with Gregor from Russia. He was always a very charismatic and confident man, even when he was young. That’s how he built his empire. The affair began when I became disillusioned with my marriage to Frank. It’d been eight years and I still hadn’t been able to give him a child. He became frustrated and temperamental, accusing me of being unable to bear children and all sorts of things. I sought solace in Viktor. He was twenty, beautiful and didn’t care about me being older than him.”

  She met my eyes and all I could see was abject misery in them. A part of me felt for her but the other part hated what she was telling me. Hated every single thing about it.

  “I’m not proud of this, but I was so convinced if I could just get pregnant, then Frank and I would be okay. Viktor knew I was married, of course, so he was very meticulous about protection. I took matters into my own hands and sabotaged it.”

  I blinked. My own mother just confessed she’d tricked Viktor into giving her a baby. Giving her a child so she could pass me off as Frank’s. The whole thing was more awful than I could even imagine.

  “Are you seriously telling me you poked a bunch of holes into condoms like some crazy lady obsessed with having babies?”

  “You don’t need to make it sound so distasteful, Ashleigh.”

  “It is fucking distasteful. What the hell is wrong with you?”

  “I was desperate. I’m not saying it was okay or that I should’ve done it. It happened and I quickly fell pregnant with you. Then I ended the affair which I don’t think Viktor was upset about. Frank was over the moon and things were good between us for a long time after that because I’d given him what he desperately wanted. A child. I was worried when you were born he’d notice you didn’t look like him, but you looked enough like me so it never became an issue. Perhaps deep down Frank knows you’re not his, but he had his heir and it was all that mattered to him.”

  I poured my tea into the cup and put a dash of milk in. I stirred, needing something to focus on. My mind was wild with the implications of what she’d done. How far she’d gone to have me. And I was completely disgusted by it. I didn’t care about her justifications. What she’d done was wrong. So fucking wrong.

  “So Frank doesn’t know to this day I’m not his daughter? Why would he threaten you with my life then?”

  Her eyes widened.

  “How do you… You’ve been eavesdropping.”

  “I’ve done more than that, Mother. Answer the question.”

  I’d snooped through her things as I wanted an explanation of why the hell she’d force me to be compliant to Frank’s demands. That’s how I’d even found out about her having an affair in the first place.

  “He doesn’t know you’re Viktor’s daughter. He doesn’t know about the affair because we were discreet. We have always been discreet. It’s been on and off for the past twenty-two years. It’s off for good now he knows about you. He told me if it was up to him, he would’ve sent me back to Frank and forced me to tell him the truth so I’d have to face the true consequences of my actions.”

  Just because I’d discovered Viktor was my father didn’t mean I had any illusions about the type of man he was. He had mafia connections. Shit, his own brother was Bratva. Viktor was a ruthless businessman who took no prisoners. The only reason Isabella hadn’t been sent back to Frank was down to me. My decision which Viktor had respected. That showed me he cared about my feelings. He cared about me. Something I wasn’t sure I could say about the woman in front of me.

  “You have me to thank for that. The only reason you’re alive is because of me. And don’t doubt I could change my mind about this whole thing and let you go back to Frank. If you betray me, Mother, I won’t hesitate. Now, you haven’t answered my question.”

  Isabella stared at me as if seeing me with new eyes. I saw fear in them. Fear of what I might do if she fucked with me again. She might be my mother, but that didn’t mean I was blind to her flaws. Blind to the type of person she was. Her own self-interests were more important to her than me.

  “Why did Frank threaten me with your life?”


  “Because you’re a disappointment to him. You wouldn’t do what he asked so he took it out on me instead. He told me it was my fault you’d turned out the way you have. That’s why I told you to obey him. That’s why I encouraged you to be the heir he wanted. I didn’t want him to hurt you. You’re my daughter and he knew how much I’d sacrifice for you. He used my love for you against me and by extension you.”

  I knew Frank was a monster. This sickened me even further. Frank wasn’t proud of who I was. That I hadn’t become the daughter he needed to be. Pity for him, I’d never be his heir. No, I was going to be the instigator of his downfall. Isabella didn’t need to know that. I didn’t trust her even after what she’d just told me.

  “Why did you make a deal with Quinn?”

  She looked away, her face paling a little.

  “I wanted to shake Frank up a little. I wanted him to stop treating you like you were expendable. I wanted to prove he really cared about you. So when I found out what Nate was doing, who he was reporting to, I decided to take matters into my own hands. You weren’t supposed to be with those men for long. Quinn told me he’d keep you safe and I believed him. It was only afterwards when he wouldn’t let me speak to you, I knew he’d played me.”

  Well, I couldn’t exactly blame Quinn for doing it considering I knew why he’d taken me in the first place. What Frank did to Casey was awful. Since being with the boys, I’d come to terms with it. Knowing Quinn didn’t hate me for what happened any longer helped. And deciding I was going to destroy Frank had given me something
to focus on. He’d pay for the shit he’d put me through.

  “So that’s why you sent Viktor. You were worried about me.”

  “I didn’t want to involve him but I had little choice. I see now that was a mistake. He was never meant to find out you’re his daughter.”

  I had nothing to say to that. She clearly didn’t care how she’d lied to both of us. Instead, I took a sip of my tea and glanced at André. He was watching us with a neutral expression on his face, but I knew the instant he thought something was wrong, he’d be by my side, protecting me. Viktor would expect it. If André let anything happen to me, I dreaded to think what Viktor would do to him.

  “Why did you tell Frank who Il Diavolo is?”

  Her expression turned dark.

  “You told Viktor you wouldn’t leave Quinn. That wasn’t supposed to happen. You weren’t supposed to want to stay with them.”

  “That was my fucking choice to make.” I slammed my hand down on the table, making her jump. “It wasn’t your decision. I’m twenty-one years old. I don’t need to be treated like a child.”

  “You needed to come home, Ashleigh. Frank was growing ever more agitated behind closed doors. I was worried for my own safety and yours. You have no idea what it’s been like since you’ve been gone. He barely let me out of his sight for the first few weeks, suspecting I had something to do with it. Of course, when I told him I knew who had you, he went ballistic.”

  That hardly surprised me. He might have been calm and collected when he came to get me at the Syndicate, but I knew he’d have been angry.

  “And he’s even more annoyed now Quinn hasn’t paid him for you. Then again, I don’t know what he expected when you disappeared. He’s going to declare war on Il Diavolo. He just can’t do it alone, which has obviously annoyed him further. The other families won’t help him since no one knows where you are. If they had proof Quinn still has you like Frank suspects, then it’d be a different story.”

  I froze. For Frank to declare war on Il Diavolo meant he’d lost his shit and patience with Quinn. This wouldn’t bode well for us at all.

  “Why are you telling me this?”

  “You’re not safe any longer and neither are they. You are with them, aren’t you? You did say you love Quinn. Has that changed?”

  I didn’t know whether to admit it or not.

  “Who I’m with is none of your concern. Have you left Frank or is this just a ploy?”

  Her eyes widened.

  “It’s not a ploy. I genuinely feared for my life when I found out Quinn knew you aren’t Frank’s daughter. The only person I had to go to was Viktor but even he doesn’t care any longer. Not when I kept you a secret from him. I haven’t officially left Frank, but he’s too wrapped up in his own revenge plot to notice I’ve gone. No doubt he’ll come looking for me sooner or later.”

  If she thought I felt any sympathy for her, she was mistaken. I might not want her dead, but I didn’t give a shit if Frank came after her. After all her lies and the shit she’d done, that was on her own fucking head.

  I stood up and slung my handbag over my shoulder. André was up and by my side before Isabella had a chance to say anything.

  “You’re leaving?”

  “I came here to get my questions answered. That’s it. I’ll tell Viktor to continue protecting you, but otherwise, I’m done. You’ve made your bed as far as I’m concerned.”

  “But Ashleigh—”

  I put a hand up.

  “No. Goodbye Isabella.”

  I walked away with André on my heels. I couldn’t think about my feelings on the matter. All I knew was I had to get home and tell Quinn Frank was likely going to declare war on him. That matter was more urgent than anything else I might have learnt from Isabella today.

  Chapter 10

  Fuck, I was agitated. I paced the living room like a wild animal stuck in a cage. Having agreed to let Ash go see Isabella on her own, I was worried about her safety. Worried about my little girl and what she would learn. I was just plain fucking worried. Never in my life had another person’s well-being been so important to me. Sure, I kept the boys out of trouble, but Ash was everything to me. I practically worshipped the ground she walked on, although I would never tell her that.

  “Quinn, man, you need to chill,” Xav said, frowning heavily at me.

  “Chill? How can I chill? She’s out there without us.”

  “I know, but she’s not alone. You said one of Viktor’s men is with her, right?”

  I rubbed my face.

  “Yes, he’s fucking huge, but that doesn’t make me feel any less unsettled.”

  I didn’t like this. Isabella could double-cross Ash. She could literally do anything. I didn’t like having no control over a situation. I hated the feeling. I was always in charge. Always in fucking control.

  “She’s going to be okay. You know she needs answers and maybe we can find out what Russo has planned. It’s a risk we had to take. You know she needs this.”

  Of course, I fucking knew all of that. Didn’t make me feel any better. I wanted to have her here where she was safe. She was only safe with us.

  “You don’t know that. None of you fucking well know that. She belongs here with us. She’s ours. So fucking forgive me for being concerned about her.”

  These three weren’t helping my mood. They were all sat there staring at me, even Rory who knew why I was worried. I’d talked to him about this before I agreed to let Ash go without me. He’d told me to trust her. It’s not Ash I didn’t trust. It was Isabella.

  “Quinn… I know it’s shit, but getting worked up about it isn’t helping,” Eric said, his green eyes full of concern.

  I paced away, not caring I was acting like an overbearing and overprotective boar right now. They all knew how I could be when I got rattled. Nothing would make me feel better until she was back here. Until she was with us. So I could see her. Feel her. Know she was safe. My beautiful little girl. So vibrant and full of life. Without her here, it was like a dark cloud hanging over my head. I couldn’t stand it. None of it.

  “I should’ve never agreed to this. Never.”

  The next thing I knew I was prevented from pacing any further because Xav had got out of his seat and hugged me. I almost felt like the life was being squeezed out of me, he held on so damn tight.

  “What the fuck are you doing?” I growled, trying to escape his hold.

  “Giving you a damn hug, what does it look like?”

  The mirth in his voice irritated the shit out of me.

  “Well stop!”

  “No, man, you need to calm down and take a breath.”

  He’d pinned my arms to my sides so I couldn’t even damn well push him away.

  “Get off.”

  I could hear and feel him laughing.

  “Stop being such a pussy and let me comfort you.”

  I struggled again, but it was useless. Xav was built like a beast. There was no way of me escaping. And then I was hugged from behind. As if my fucking day couldn’t get any worse. I glanced back, finding Eric grinning at me.

  “I do not need a fucking group hug. Would you two get off?”

  “Nope, the only way you’re getting out of this is if you accept it.”

  These god damn fuckers are testing my patience.

  “Also it’s not a group hug without Rory in it,” Eric said.

  I looked over Xav’s shoulder at Rory who was shaking his head and rolling his eyes.

  “Count me out.”

  “Aw, come on, don’t be such a spoilsport,” Xav interjected. “You hug Ash.”

  That earnt him a scowl from Rory. Xav was notorious for winding the three of us up so this was hardly surprising. Probably why he was hugging me right now despite my protests. What I was not best pleased about was Eric joining in. He’d gotten far cheekier since he’d opened up to Xav and Ash. As if we needed another wind-up merchant in our midst.

I don’t want to be in this fucking hug either,” I ground out.

  “Shh,” Xav said as he pressed my face into his shoulder and patted my head. “I know we can’t replace Ash, but at least try not to be such a grumpy git.”

  “Fuck you.”

  “Now, now, no need for that kind of language.”

  “Are you fucking kidding me right now?”

  This wasn’t helping my mood in the slightest. I was fed up with having to deal with these idiots. They might be my family, but by god, they were annoying as fuck at times.

  “Do you really want us to let you go?”

  As much as this was pissing me off further, a part of me appreciated they were trying to help. That they wanted to do something to stop me getting so agitated. It’s just hugging me was the wrong way of going about it. Or maybe I was fighting it because it was always me offering them comfort and advice, not the other way around. So instead of fighting them further, I slumped against Xav and let out a breath.

  “No,” I mumbled into his shoulder.

  “It’s okay, man. We know. I love her too.”

  I stayed pressed against two of my best friends without further protest, breathing deeply. At least I did until I heard the front door open and voices echoing down the hallway. I looked up in time to find Ash walking in and behind her… Viktor.

  Well, this is just fucking great. Here I am being bear-hugged by Xav and Eric and Ash walks in with her father.

  Today had just got worse than I could’ve ever imagined.

  Why the fuck was he here?

  Chapter 11

  When I got in the car with André, I thought he might take me back to Viktor’s so I was going to call Quinn to say he could pick me up. However, André got a phone call before we’d even set off. He spoke in terse Russian for several minutes before hanging up. Glancing back at me in the rearview mirror, he pulled out of the carpark and we set off. It was only when I realised we weren’t driving in the direction of Viktor’s I spoke up.

  “Where are we going?”

  André glanced back at me.

  “Viktor’s office.”