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Blood Magic (After Dark Book 7) Page 7
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Page 7
He cupped her face, forcing it upwards so her gaze met his. He could deal with his bloodlust. She wasn’t completely against the idea of him biting her.
“Well, if you want to know about the latter, I can show you, start slow.”
She blinked before looking away.
“Okay,” she whispered.
He stifled a groan. Dani was going to let him play with her. He released her, only to take her hand and tug her into his bedroom. He undressed her slowly, devouring every inch of her skin with his eyes.
“Lie on your front.”
She did as he asked. He took a pillow and stuffed it under her hips, opening her up to him a little more. He pulled out a small bottle from his bedside table and left it by her side. She eyed it before looking back at him.
“I promise I’m not going to fuck you there until you say yes.”
“I know,” she whispered.
She trembled. He ran his hands down her back, trying to soothe away her fear. He leant down, kissing her back. She gasped. He ran his tongue down the base of her spine and lower. She squirmed a little when his tongue met the puckered skin where she was in two minds about letting him in.
“Shhh, relax,” he said.
Chapter Eight
Dani almost couldn’t breathe as Jamie swept his tongue over her behind.
What am I doing? Why did I just agree to this?
When he’d told her that’s what he wanted, she’d almost run out of the door. Something in the way he said it stopped her. Desperate need and desire laced his tone. She couldn’t deny the thought of him taking something no one else had made her wet.
I’m so fucked up when it comes to him. All I’ve been able to think about is how much I want him for the past two weeks.
She thought staying away would dampen down her feelings, but they’d only got worse. She liked Jamie as a friend, but she wanted him as a man.
She shifted, finding herself growing wetter under his touch. His tongue against her other entrance, coaxing and teasing made her blood pound in her ears.
“Jamie,” she groaned, unable to stop his name slipping from her lips.
His fingers ran down her sex, finding her core.
“Shit, you’re so wet. Are you enjoying this?”
She wriggled, not wanting to ask him to continue.
“Mmm, I think you are.”
He plunged two fingers inside her sex, causing her to buck against him as his tongue met her again. She groaned as he fucked her with his fingers.
“Fuck,” he growled.
He moved away entirely, leaving her feeling completely bereft and exposed. She heard the sound of his clothes dropping to the floor before he gripped her hips and buried his cock in her, grunting. He ground into her in slow, shallow thrusts.
“Fuck, you feel so good.”
She thrust back, wanting more of him inside her. She heard the distinct sound of a bottle cap flipping open. Trying not to tense at the implication, she gripped the sheets. When she felt the cool liquid against her behind, she closed her eyes.
“Just one, I promise,” he said.
He was talking about one finger. Despite his tongue against her entrance turning her on, having anything inside her was a new concept. It scared and excited her at the same time.
“I trust you,” she whispered.
He ran his finger around the puckered skin, making her jump. She concentrated on him fucking her rather than what he was about to do to her virgin entrance. The pressure of his finger against it was almost too much for a moment. The tip slid in, she froze expecting pain, but found it merely felt strange.
“Is it okay?” he asked, his voice a little strained.
She nodded, unable to look back at him. His finger slid in a little more. She hissed but didn’t ask him to stop.
“Shit, you’re like a vice,” he muttered.
She wanted him to continue, but she was going to take other matters into her own hands. Reaching down between her legs, over the pillow, her fingers found her core. She groaned, touching herself when Jamie started to move his finger inside her in slow strokes, getting deeper each time.
“Are you going to make yourself come?” he asked.
“Yes, I want to come whilst you’re fucking me. Don’t stop. I want this.”
It was starting to feel good, having him touch her there.
“Are you going to let me fuck you here?”
His finger was all the way inside now. She bucked against him as her climax started to build.
“Yes,” the word tore out as her body shook.
“Only me, Dani. You’re not to let anyone else touch you here. Not ever. Promise me.”
She didn’t think she’d ever want anyone else to do these things to her. Something about Jamie made her lose her inhibitions and crave the darkness he lived in.
“I promise. Just please, fuck me harder.”
“Hearing you beg is fucking delicious. Tell me, Dani, how much do you want to get fucked? Hmm? Do you want me to take the last part of your virginity?”
He slammed into her harder with each word.
“I want it. I want you to fuck me so hard, I scream. Fuck, give it to me.”
“Do you want it now?”
“Please, Jamie, please.”
What the fuck is happening to me?
She’d never wanted anything as badly as she wanted Jamie. She didn’t even care that his size would probably hurt. At that moment, she’d do anything he said just to end the tension inside her. Pent up need overflowed until she couldn’t stand it. Two weeks of longing for his touch made everything feel like fire.
“Fuck, you’re such a little temptress. I don’t want to hurt you.”
“Jamie, please. I don’t care if it hurts, I want you.”
She felt the burn as he inserted another finger inside her. It was quickly masked by the intensity of him fucking her and her fingers on her core. He made everything feel good.
“Not tonight. You’re not ready. No matter how much I want it. Fuck, you make me lose control too much. I want to be gentle the first time.”
She groaned, thrusting back against him.
“Make no mistake, I’m going to fuck you there and it’s going to be incredible for both of us.”
He pulled his fingers from her, gripping both hips instead. He pressed deeper, harder until a loud moan ripped from her throat. She lost it completely. Her climax tore through her body, causing her to shake, tremble and buck against him. Stars blurred her vision. The utter bliss of having him fuck her into submission was unlike anything else.
She heard him grunting and felt him pulsate inside her.
“Fuck, Dani.”
She could barely move, coming down from the ultimate high. He stroked her back, his fingers deliciously cool against her heated skin.
“You’re something else,” he whispered.
He pulled away, tugging the pillow from under her. She collapsed on the bed, unable to hold herself up.
“You look thoroughly fucked.”
“And who’s fault is that?”
“Oh, I take full responsibility.”
His voice was on the other side of the room. She turned, finding him standing next to a box of tissues as he threw one in the bin. She wanted him to hold her, but perhaps that would be asking too much. They weren’t a couple. Was cuddling after sex permitted? He hadn’t seemed to mind when she’d fallen asleep at his last time. She rolled over onto her side.
“Do you know how cute you look with your hair all mussed?” he asked, walking over to her.
“Mmm, you’re adorable. Especially when you send me selfies of you making funny faces.”
He sat down and brushed a finger over her nose.
“I just wanted to make you laugh.”
She reached up, catching him around his neck. He came willingly, kissing her softly. He settled down next to her, gathered her up and continued to taste her lips.
m, do you have to go home?”
“Probably should soon. Didn’t I interrupt your plans?”
“You are always a welcome interruption. As for plans, not especially, I’ve already fed.”
She curled a hand around his waist, savouring his cool skin against hers. He brushed her hair out of her face, tucking it behind her ear.
“Tell me, did you stay away because you got in trouble with Novus or because you couldn’t stop thinking about that night?”
“Both. I told you once my father had left finally, he lectured me for an hour about the dangers of anyone else finding out about me sneaking out to see you.”
He tugged her closer, their bodies pressed against each other. He leant down, brushing his nose against hers.
“I’m glad you came over and I’m equally glad you came all over my cock,” he murmured.
She flushed, wanting to bury her face in his chest so he couldn’t see how much his words affected her.
Friends. We’re friends. So why does this feel so intimate?
“Do you not want me to leave?”
“No. Stay with me. Talk to me. I want to know all of you.”
Her heart hammered in her chest. His mouth twitched. He could hear it, of that she was sure. Vampires and blood. Forever connected. I want to be connected to him. I want to know all of Jamie too.
“All of me?”
“Mmm, I want to understand what goes on in your head, learn what makes you tick. I want to know about your childhood, what makes you smile, what makes you laugh and what makes you cry.”
“Because we’re more than just simple friends. I want to be the one you confide everything in and I want to give you that in return. I want you to know me.”
He took her hand, entwining their fingers together.
“Like best friends?” she whispered.
“Exactly like that.”
And she knew in that moment, there was no going back. She wanted all those things with the vampire. Not even the threat of her family tearing her away if they ever found out would keep her from him.
I don’t care what anyone else says or does.
I just want this.
I want him.
“I swear to fucking god you never listen to me about anything,” Gavin said, his voice laced with barely concealed anger.
Jamie raised an eyebrow, but kept his mouth shut. They were in Gavin’s flat. Jamie sat on the sofa. Gavin paced the room.
“Did I or did I not tell you to stay away from her?”
Jamie looked down at his hands.
“You did.”
“So why the fuck did I have to hear from my underlings that you’ve been seen with her in ObliVion?”
He’d known a lecture from Gavin was coming from the minute his brother had text him earlier this evening demanding he come over and explain himself. It really shouldn’t have surprised Gavin considering what Jamie was like, but somehow, his brother had thought better of him.
“What I do with Dani has nothing to do with them or you.”
“Has nothing to do with me?”
Gavin slammed his fist down on his dining table, his green eyes blazing with fury.
“What on earth are you shouting about?” called a feminine voice from the hallway.
In walked in a woman with pale skin, dark hair and hazel eyes. She wore a simple outfit of jeans and a t-shirt, but she moved with grace. Jamie knew immediately who she was.
So this is his wife.
Gavin’s eyes snapped to hers, softening immediately despite the tension still radiating from his body. Her eyes fell on Jamie.
“Is this your other brother?” she asked before Gavin had a chance to say anything.
Jamie stood, walking over to her and putting out his hand.
“Jamie. I assume you’re Daisy.”
She shook his hand, giving him a smile.
“Gavin hasn’t told me much about you, but that’s hardly surprising given how much he keeps from everyone.”
Gavin scowled, striding over and tugging Daisy into his side.
“Don’t you get any ideas about her either,” he said to Jamie.
Jamie put his hands up.
“I was just being polite. You really need to chill out, Gav.”
Daisy looked up at her husband with a frown.
“What exactly is going on?” she asked.
“My brother can’t keep it in his pants, that’s what’s going on.”
Jamie rolled his eyes before strolling back to the sofa and lounging on it.
Well, that’s a fair point considering how many times I’ve fucked Dani, but that’s better left unsaid.
“I haven’t done anything other than show her ObliVion and talk to her. Am I suddenly not allowed to be friends with a woman?”
“Not when she’s a princess of the fae court, no,” Gavin replied.
Daisy went up on tiptoes and kissed Gavin’s cheek.
“He’s your brother and he’s helping Neave, be nice,” she said quietly.
Jamie could see the wheels turning in his brother’s head as he stared down at his wife. There was affection and pure adoration in his gaze.
She really has got him head over heels. I wonder what she was like as a human.
“You don’t know what he’s like.”
“And you’ve been grumpy and sullen for weeks. Don’t take it out on him.” She looked at Jamie. “His business is suffering because of some underhand dealings.”
This was the first he’d heard of it.
“More like someone is out to tear me down,” Gavin muttered.
“So that’s why Neave made me help her interrogate those humans,” Jamie said.
She hadn’t asked him since. She knew he hated that side of things. He didn’t see humans as toys or disposable. His maker had tried to teach him to be a good, obedient vampire, but in his eyes, she was just a monster who enjoyed killing for sport. It was something he could never abide by.
“Now do you understand why I do not want you bringing further trouble? If King Mitah gets wind that you’re getting friendly with his daughter, you’ll force my hand. I wouldn’t care if she was anyone else. I am asking as your brother, please leave her alone.”
Even if he wanted to leave Dani alone, he couldn’t. He’d found something in her. A confidant. Whilst he’d not told her everything, they’d spoken of their childhoods together the night she’d turned up at his doorstep. It’d been a long time since he’d shared any sort of real connection with another person. He wasn’t going to throw that away because she was fae and he was a vampire.
“And what if I refuse?”
“I don’t see what’s so wrong about him being around a fae girl, Gavin, even if she’s a princess,” Daisy said, interrupting his brother. “Why are there all these rules? It’s all vampires don’t mix with other supernaturals unless it’s a life or death situation. That’s bullshit. We’re friends with witches, shifters and my best friend is half angel, half demon.”
Wait, what? A half angel and half demon?
“You wouldn’t understand, you’ve only been a part of this world a few years. The divides are centuries old.”
Divides which were utterly ridiculous and unnecessary in Jamie’s eyes.
“Well, they’re stupid. Is it really so bad that your brother has made a friend? That is what you are with this girl, right? Friends?” She looked at Jamie pointedly.
“Yes, just friends. Nothing more,” Jamie said.
And Gav is going to kill me if he finds out I’ve lied to him about that.
“See? You have more important things to worry about than his friendship with a fae. Like your wife wanting to actually see her husband.”
Gavin looked a little chastised. He reached up, cupping Daisy’s face.
“I’m sorry,” he murmured.
“I love you, but you really need to let shit like this go.”
Aren’t they s
weet? Jamie fought the urge to gag. Seeing his brother so enraptured by a woman was unusual to say the least.
“Fine.” He dropped his hand and looked at Jamie. “Just don’t fuck around with her or do anything to endanger relations.”
“I won’t,” Jamie replied.
The tension in the air dissipated.
“Now that’s settled, can I kick you out of our flat so I can be alone with my husband?” Daisy asked.
Jamie grinned. I don’t want to be here whilst they fuck. He nodded before zipping from the room and was soon stepping into the shadows to return home.
Chapter Nine
Watching a smile play on Dani’s lips, Jamie couldn’t help but want to lean closer. They were partially obscured from view in the booth. He’d taken her to a regular bar so they wouldn’t be spied on by Gavin’s underlings or anyone else. Humans milled about, talking and drinking, but his eyes were for her alone.
“My father is coming back to London in a couple of weeks. There’s still unrest in the fae community. I don’t know how long he’ll be staying,” she said, her smile fading.
“We won’t see each other then.”
“No. It’s too much of a risk. Novus knowing is bad enough. He’s suspicious of what’s really going on between you and me.”
The thought of not having her company gave him a strange feeling in his chest.
“Can you blame him?”
“Well, no, but he’ll stop covering for me if he finds out the truth.”
The urge to be closer to her proved too much. He reached up, stroking his fingers across the back of her neck. Dani visibly relaxed into his touch.
I want her more every time we’re around each other. This is not how our friendship is supposed to work. Shit.
“It’s okay. You can always call me when you get lonely.”
He hated that she felt alone when they weren’t together. He cared about Dani. Possibly too much given the short time they’d known each other, but things were easy with her. Conversation. Banter. Sex. He had to stop that line of thought in its tracks.
“I know.” She looked down at her hands. “I don’t like all these secrets. I’ve never kept anything from him before.”
He shifted closer, putting his other hand on hers whilst he continued to stroke her neck. Lavender and honeysuckle filled his nose as he breathed her in.