Cursed Heart (After Dark Book 4) Read online

Page 9

  His teeth grazed over the sensitive nub. She gripped the sheets, unable to prevent herself crying out. She felt him smile against her chest. Damn him! He shifted, giving attention to her other breast before he trailed his lips down her stomach. She was breathing heavily, her chest rising and falling rapidly. Was this what it was meant to feel like? The intensity, the heat of his mouth was sending her into a tailspin.

  His fingers hooked into her underwear before he tugged them down, leaving her bare underneath him. She didn’t try to cover herself. His eyes roamed over her with unconcealed admiration.

  “You are so fucking sexy,” he said. “Every inch of you. I want you on my tongue.”

  He kissed her inner thighs before replacing his lips with his tongue.

  “Rex, please.”

  The anticipation was killing her. He grinned before reaching out, opening her up to him. His tongue was on her in the next instant. She groaned, gripping the sheets harder. It was unhurried. He took his time, tasting her before his tongue circled her core. She bucked beneath him. He placed a hand on her stomach, keeping her grounded to the bed as he continued pleasuring her. He growled, low in his throat. She felt it thrumming against her skin.

  “Fuck, fuck, fuck,” she whispered, feeling her climax building inside her.

  The pressure of his tongue increased. One hand found its way into his hair, gripping it as she felt the early warning signs. She was on the precipice. He looked up at her, his green, gold eyes gleaming. He knew exactly what he was doing to her and he was enjoying it far too much for her liking.

  “Don’t you dare stop,” she said.

  There was a rumble from his chest as he chuckled, his breath fanning across her sensitive nub. She gasped, his tongue lashing against it, faster. Her eyes rolled back in her head, body trembling when her climax took hold. Her knuckles were white as she gripped the sheets. She was on a one-way trip to heaven with no return ticket.

  She lay there, spent when she came back down. He snagged her underwear, pulling it back up her legs before he kissed his way up her stomach. His mouth met hers. She could taste herself on his tongue. She kind of liked it. Her hands wound their way around his back.

  He was between her legs. She could feel him hard against her. She shifted, causing him to growl a little. Did he like that? She pressed herself against him, shifting a little more. He took one of her hands, holding it above her head, his fingers entwined with hers. He moved against her, grinding his hips into hers.

  She wrapped one leg around him. The length of him was rubbing up against her already sensitive core through their thin layers of clothing. She cried out against his mouth. Their movements became hurried, both of them consumed by each other. She wanted to give in. Wanted to feel him everywhere.

  “Izzy,” he grunted. “Fuck, Izzy.”

  It was all she could do to hold on as they ground against each other. She bit down on his lip as her second climax rocked her. He stiffened, his body tensing before he let out a growl. She could feel him pulsating against her. Did he just…?

  They were both panting, staring at each other with wide eyes. She hadn’t felt this pent up with lust for a long time.

  “Hmm… check us out, dry humping like a pair of horny teenagers,” he said, grinning.

  She put her free hand up.

  “Totally my fault… I think.”

  “I’m definitely letting you take the blame for that one,” he said before he kissed her again.

  Chapter Eleven

  “Right, does that make sense?” Gareth asked after he’d showed her how to change a barrel.

  They were standing in the beer cellar together. Izzy had been at The Werehouse all afternoon having Gareth show her the ropes. It was her first shift. She’d been looking forward to it despite everything else going on. A real job. Relying on Rex all the time didn’t sit well with her.

  “I think so.”

  “Good. I mean, you’ll probably want my help the first time, but it’s about knowing the basics.”

  She nodded as she followed him back out into the bar. He’d given her a few black t-shirts which said ‘The Werehouse’ on them in stark white lettering. There weren’t many customers, but he’d said it would pick up later.

  “Listen, Gareth, thank you for doing this.”

  They leant against the back bar next to each other.

  “No worries. Shifters need to look out for their own.”

  She raised an eyebrow.

  “And Dalia had nothing to do with your decision?”

  “You might not be pack, but it seems she decided you need watching out for.”

  “Well, so would you if a murderous werepanther bit you and flipped your world upside down.”

  He grinned, nudging her shoulder.

  “Honestly, I had to fire one of my human employees not too long ago. I need an extra pair of hands and Rex is a good friend.”

  She looked down at her hands, her cheeks growing hot. Thinking about Rex made her heart pound. They still hadn’t slept with each other. He’d gone back to behaving like they weren’t involved with each other when he’d dropped her off earlier. She couldn’t wrap her head around it. I want to understand him, but he’s so closed off about himself. I’m scared to ask him anything.

  “You know, he must like you if he’s going to all of this trouble to keep you safe.”

  “You can ask him when he comes by later.”

  Gareth laughed, the sound echoing around the nearly empty bar.

  “Oh, I think I might take you up on that.”

  He let her serve the next customer and smiled when she didn’t make any mistakes. She felt like she could get the hang of this. The bar got steadily busier. Gareth seemed to be happy to let her get on with it.

  When Evan turned up, he sat down at the bar staring at her with a smile and a raised eyebrow.

  “Well, hello again”

  “Evening,” she replied.

  He pointed to one of the beers on tap, grinning. She began pulling him a pint.

  “So, how’d you swing this gig?”

  “I think your Alpha all but demanded it of him.”

  A deep laugh emitted from his throat. He slapped his hand on the bar several times.

  “Oh, that’s rich. I bet he’s fuming.”

  “Actually, I think you’ll find he’s happy to have someone else do the work for him.”

  She pointed further down the bar where Gareth was chatting up some redhead with big tits. Evan rolled his eyes before handing over some money when she set his pint down.

  “Typical. I wonder what happened to last night’s conquest. He really has no shame. I bet that one gets kicked out come morning.”

  He winked at her. Gareth most definitely had a reputation for not sleeping with a woman more than once.

  “No Portia tonight?”

  “No, she’s apparently got some big anniversary date planned. We might see her later on. Despite what she says, you can’t keep her out of here.”

  She moved away for a moment to serve someone else.

  “Does Rex approve of your new career move?” he asked when she returned.

  “He suggested it.”

  The hairs on the back of her neck pricked up when the door opened. A man walked in, his face hidden in the shadow of the hood of his coat. She narrowed her eyes. He seemed a little shady. He walked over to the bar close to where Gareth was standing. He tore himself away from the redhead to serve the newcomer, seemingly nonplussed by his appearance. The stranger took his drink and sat in the far corner.

  She turned back to Evan.

  “You know, I’m beginning to think the werepanther has a soft spot for you,” he said.

  “Gareth said something similar earlier. He’s promised to ask Rex about it when he picks me up.”

  “He’s even ferrying you to and from home?”

  “Well, he is sort of letting me crash at his place…”

  Evan’s eyebrows shot up into his hairline.

h, well, I was only intending to stay for one, but this is an opportunity I just can’t pass up.”

  “What are you planning?”

  Her eyes were drawn back to the stranger. Something didn’t sit right with her. She could see his jawline. There was something familiar about it. She shook herself. It was probably nothing.

  “Rex letting a girl live with him and he’s not even getting anything out of it. That is prime wind up material right there.”

  She wouldn’t exactly say he wasn’t getting anything out of it if their make-out sessions were anything to go on. Evan didn’t need to know that. Rex didn’t seem to want to be public about whatever it was they were doing.

  “You two like to give him a hard time, don’t you?”

  “Got to give as good as you get.”

  She moved away again, a slew of people arriving at the bar. Gareth helped her with them before he leant against the bar next to Evan.

  “You again? I thought I barred you,” Gareth said.

  “You’re a funny fucker.”

  “Can I ask you two something?” Izzy interjected.

  “Why of course,” Evan replied, giving her a wink.

  “How big is your pack?”

  “I guess there’s about forty of us at last count. It’s unusually big, but Dalia is a hard arse. Keeps us all in line. There’s some who go it alone, of course.”

  “What about the other shifters?”

  “Well, you and Rex are the only panthers in the city, except the one running around on a murder spree. There must be hundreds, but a lot of them keep to themselves. It’s only really us wolves who are organised. I did meet a guy who changes into a field mouse a few weeks ago.”

  “A mouse? What a fucking shitty animal to shift into,” Gareth said, rolling his eyes.

  “He should stay away from Portia then,” Izzy said, grinning.

  “Speak of the devil,” Gareth replied.

  The three of them turned their heads towards the door as Portia walked in with her boyfriend. Izzy bristled a little. She hadn’t been looking forward to this encounter at all. They walked over to the bar. Portia’s eyes narrowed when she spied Izzy.

  “The usual?” Gareth asked.

  Jayden nodded. Gareth leant down towards Izzy.

  “Gin and tonic, a pint of Carlsberg.”

  She moved away to get their drinks.

  “Is this your latest hire?” Jayden asked.

  “Yes, Izzy.”

  “Oh, the new werepanther everyone’s been getting all worked up over.”

  Izzy felt her face heating up. She didn’t much like all this attention over her new shifter status.

  “Yes, honey,” Portia said. “I told you Rex brought her in here last week.”

  “I bet he’s pleased to have one of his own kin around.”

  Evan rolled his eyes. Izzy set down their drinks in front of them. Gareth gave her a subtle shake of the head before he put his hand out to Jayden. She shifted closer to Evan, giving him a confused look. Jayden handed Gareth a tenner. He turned away to put it through the cash register.

  “Well, I didn’t think you’d be one to take in strays,” Portia purred.

  Izzy’s fists clenched under the bar. Evan gave her a sympathetic look.

  “She’s not a stray,” Gareth said, handing Jayden his change. “You know it’s not an easy adjustment to this life.”

  Portia shrugged, picking up her drink and tugging Jayden away. He shot them an ‘I’m sorry’ look before he followed after her.

  “What a bitch,” Izzy muttered under her breath.

  She was a little pleased Gareth had defended her, but he shouldn’t have to.

  “You can say that again.”

  She looked up at Gareth who grinned at her.

  “Not a fan either?”

  “I tolerate her because she’s Jay’s girl. Not everyone approves of cross-species pairings.”

  “Why not?”

  “It’s like how some of the born look down on the bitten, just idiotic prejudice. I don’t give a shit, but I wish Jay would find someone a little nicer than a bitchy Siamese cat.”

  Evan scoffed. I’m glad they agree with me about Portia. If she tries anything with me, I’m going to knock her down a few pegs.

  “Oh yeah, she’s a handful that one. Expensive tastes. Jay’s parents don’t approve of it at all, but he seems smitten.”

  “Men will do anything for a bit of pussy.”

  The two werewolves turned to her, raising their eyebrows.

  “Did you just make a cat-related pun?” Evan asked.

  “I think as a member of the feline family, I’m within my rights to do so.”

  The two of them burst into a fit of laughter. She found herself grinning along with them.

  “Oh, just wait until we tell Rex about this,” Gareth said, wiping his eyes.

  “No, don’t tell him I said that, seriously.”

  She shook her head.

  “No way, it’s the first thing I’m going to say when he walks in,” Evan said, still chuckling.

  “You know what, I have no regrets about hiring you, Izzy,” Gareth said. “I think you’ll fit in just fine here.”

  She smiled. It was just as well because she had no idea what she would do otherwise. She felt safe here without Rex being by her side. She took a deep breath, about to say thanks to Gareth again, when she caught a strange scent. The door to the bar slammed shut. She glanced over to the corner, but the stranger had gone. Was that him? She could’ve sworn she scented another panther, but it couldn’t have been, could it?

  “Izzy?” Evan said.

  She turned to him. He was looking at her with concern.

  “Are you all right? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”

  “I’m fine. Sorry, I just spaced out for a moment.”

  She stared at the door to the bar. It made no sense. How could another panther be in here? It wasn’t Rex. He wasn’t due to swing by to get her for another couple of hours. Unless it was the panther who bit me. The thought made her blood run cold.

  She turned back to the two werewolves, pasting a smile on her face. There was no need to make a big deal out of it. It was probably nothing.


  When Rex came in later, the two wolves immediately started talking to him at once. Izzy winced. He ignored both of them, only having eyes for her.

  “You ready to go?” he asked.

  She nodded.

  “You’re not even going to stay and listen to what Izzy has been saying this evening?” Evan asked, a sly smile on his face.

  “I’m sure she can tell me herself,” Rex replied, leaning against the bar.

  Izzy went into the back to get her stuff before she walked around the other side of the bar and stood next to Rex.

  “How’d she do?” he asked Gareth.

  “I haven’t fired her yet.”

  Rex smiled at Izzy, his green, gold eyes lighting up.

  “That’s high praise coming from him.”

  She smiled at him in return. He indicated with his head they should leave.

  “Well, I’ll see you two later,” she said to Evan and Gareth.

  “Oh, I’ll have to make sure Gareth lets me know your shifts so I can be in here for more of your witty banter,” Evan replied, winking.

  She rolled her eyes, following Rex out. When they were a short way from the bar, she looked down to find Rex entwining his fingers with hers. She looked up at his profile.

  “Problem?” he asked.

  “Um… No.”


  “I just didn’t peg you as the holding hands type.”

  He looked around for a moment before she found herself pushed into a closed shop doorway and his mouth on hers. His hands were in her hair, holding her face in place. Heat flooded her immediately. When he pulled away she was a little out of breath.

  “Hello to you too,” she said.

  “Mmm, say do you want to go for a run?”



  She’d said she wanted to meet his panther, but she was tired. Her panther growled in protest.

  “Oh, shut up,” she muttered.

  “Are you talking to me?”

  She looked up at him, eyes wide.

  “No… oh shit, I said that out loud.”

  “Were you telling her to shut up?”

  “Maybe… she growled at me for no reason.”

  Her panther growled again. Will you give it a rest?

  “Okay, not no reason. Man, you need to take a chill pill, kitty.”

  Rex laughed, his chest rumbling against hers.

  “Oh, stop it. It’s not funny. She’s temperamental.”

  “Can I ask what you’re arguing with her about?”

  “She wants to go running with you, but I told her I’m tired.”

  He wrapped an arm around her shoulder, tugging her out of the shop doorway and down the street.

  “Let’s get you home then. We can go another night.”

  A little while later, she was drifting off to sleep with Rex curled around her back. The covers were thrown off because they were both too hot.

  “Isadora,” something whispered in her mind. “Isadora, come to me.”

  She shifted, frowning. She was only half awake. Rex’s breath fanned against the back of her neck.

  “Isadora, you’re my kin. Come to me. I’ll show you the way.”

  She opened her eyes, blinking.

  “I made you, Isadora. You belong with me.”

  She sat up, clutching her head. What the hell was happening? That voice. It sounds so familiar. Rex looked up at her, blinking.

  “What is it?”

  “I don’t know… I heard some weird fucking voice in my head.”

  “A voice in your head?”

  “Yes, a voice. Said something like I was their kin and I belonged with them because they made me. It was… a male voice. It sounded really familiar.”

  Something about it set her on edge. Why did I recognise it? It makes no sense.

  “Are you sure?”

  “Of course, I’m sure. I’m not going crazy. I heard it. I swear.”