Cursed Heart (After Dark Book 4) Read online

Page 11

  Sobbing harder, her fists curled in the sheets. She was so frustrated with the whole situation. Was she asking too much of him? Labels were one thing, but she was fed up with him blowing hot and cold. All I want is some consistency in the way he treats me.

  There was a knock at the door.


  “Go away!”

  He ignored her, opening the door anyway. He approached the bed, looking down at her, regret in his expression. He sat down, reaching out and putting a hand on her arm. She shrugged him off, unable to stop sobbing. She didn’t want to see him right now. Not when he was the cause of her distress.

  “Izzy, please, please don’t cry.”

  “Go away.”

  Instead of doing what she asked, he lay down and tugged her into his arms, stroking a hand down her back.

  “Please, don’t cry.”

  He kissed the top of her head. She gripped his t-shirt, sobbing into his chest. She felt idiotic, crying on him when she was mad at him.

  “Fuck,” he muttered. “I hate that I’ve made you cry.”

  “I hate you.”

  “I suppose I deserve that.”

  She didn’t really hate him, but it seemed like a fitting thing to say. He tucked a hand under her chin, forcing her to look up at him. She sniffled. He wiped her cheeks with his fingers.

  “Izzy, you are so fucking precious to me.”

  The look in his eyes spoke volumes, tenderness and affection radiated back at her.

  “I am?”

  “Yes. I’m sorry if I made you feel like that wasn’t the case. I’m not very good at letting people in.”

  “And you think I am?”

  After Alan, she didn’t feel like letting anyone get close to her. Rex was different. From the moment they’d met, it’d been different. It had something to do with them being the same kin, but also, there was an understanding between them. As if they were both haunted by something. Only Izzy didn’t know what nightmares plagued Rex.

  “No, which is why this is a complete fucking mess.”

  He ran a hand through his hair. She couldn’t deny that. They were both to blame for not being upfront about their feelings.

  “You told me you wanted something real. This. Right here. Us. We’re real. What’s between us is real.”

  “We’re an us now?”

  “Yes. We, us, any other fucking label you want to put on it.”

  Her heart did a backflip in her chest.

  “Do I get a say in this?”

  “Do you not want to be with me?”

  She hid her face in his chest, not wanting to look at him. Nothing would make her happier.

  “I do,” she whispered, her words muffled.

  He kissed the top of her head, holding her close.

  “When I take you to work tomorrow, I promise I’m going to hold your hand and kiss you before I leave.”

  She smiled, turning her face back up towards him. She didn’t need him to do that, but she appreciated the gesture all the same.

  “Won’t that make the guys give you a hard time? I mean… they already suspect you like me.”

  “I don’t care if they give me a hard time. They don’t get to have you naked in their bed every night.”

  She flushed. They were in bed now, technically. She was suddenly very aware of how close they were. She could feel his heart hammering in his chest, matching hers. The memory of him naked earlier resurfaced. She’d been unable to look away.



  “You have me in your bed now…”

  “I’m very aware of that.”

  She wasn’t sure how to tell him she was ready. More than ready. She could show him, but it didn’t feel right after the conversation they’d just had. They’d both finally admitted to liking each other. There was no more hiding behind walls and barriers.

  “I meant… Rex, I want to get naked with you right now. I want all of you and I don’t want you to hold back.”

  He stared at her as if trying to work out if she was being serious or not.

  “Just to be clear.”

  Pushing her onto her back, he moved over her.

  “You want to have sex…”

  He unbuttoned her jeans, tugging them down and throwing them off the bed.

  “With me.”

  She gripped the hem of his t-shirt, pulling it over his head and chucking it to the side.


  He tugged off her jumper and t-shirt, casting them aside before he cupped her breast.

  “Full on sex and not just me pleasuring you.”


  She unbuckled his belt before unbuttoning his jeans. He shuffled out of them, lying over her. He kissed her, his hands running over her body. She clutched his back, pressing herself closer to him. She was more than ready to be rid of the rest of their clothes. He tugged off her bralette before he twirled his tongue around her nipple. She arched up against him, gasping. He bit down, sending jolts right down to her core. He gave the same attention to her other breast. She was putty in his hands.

  Heat pooled between her thighs. She ground against him, wanting to feel him, to have him inside her. She ran her hands down his back before she tugged at his boxers. She was done with waiting. He looked up at her, grinning with a twinkle in his eye.

  “Have you lost all your patience?”

  “Yes, yes I have.”

  “But we’ve waited this long…”

  “You can take it slow later. I want you. Right. Now.”

  His grin grew wicked. His fingers hooked into her underwear, tugging them off before he let her help him out of his boxers. He’s beautiful. This man is everything. Even his flaws. His scars. They all make him who he is. My Rex. He settled between her legs, the length of him running along her opening. He pulled back a little before he sunk into her.

  “Fuck… Izzy…”

  She sucked in a breath. He felt so right. He began to move, setting a steady rhythm. She grabbed his face, kissing him for all she was worth. She’d told him not to hold back. He gripped one of her thighs, pushing her leg up.

  “Izzy, you feel so good. So right.”

  He’d voiced her exact feelings. Matching his movements, she was floating in the clouds. It didn’t feel wrong or dirty like it had for the past two years. It was passionate. Raw. Like all their emotions were finally laid bare between them as their bodies synced up to each other.

  “Harder, please,” she whispered, almost nervous to ask him to give her more.

  He took her other leg, pushing that up to so she was spread wide for him. He gave her more. Deeper and harder until she was crying out his name over and over. She stared up into his green, gold eyes, knowing he was all she ever needed. Rex was her safety; her home and she wasn’t about to let go of him. Not now. Not ever.

  He kissed her again, biting down on her bottom lip. She groaned. She didn’t want it to end, but they were both so close to the edge. At this angle, he was brushing against her core with every thrust. The dam broke. She shuddered beneath him, fingers digging into his shoulder whilst her other hand clutched his back.

  “Fuck, Rex.”

  He grunted, pulsating inside her as he found his own release. He was careful not to collapse on top of her, but they were both panting. He brushed her hair from her face, smiling down at her.

  “Mmm, you were most definitely worth the wait.”

  She bit her lip. He’d been worth the wait too. She reached up, running her hand along his cheek. My sweet, kind, gentle Rex.

  “I didn’t think I could be happy… not after everything, but meeting you, being with you…”

  She couldn’t finish her sentence, her emotions threatening to overcome her. Rex made her feel alive again. Like she meant something in this world. It was all she ever wanted. He leant down, kissing her. Rex had a gentleness to him that was at odds with his rough exterior.

  “I know,” he whispered. “You don’t have to tell me how
you feel. I know.”

  They held each other until both their hearts had stopped thundering in their chests.

  She was finally home.


  Days blended into one another. When Rex had first walked into The Werehouse with her, the day after they’d made their relationship official, Gareth’s eyes had almost popped out of his head. Their fingers were entwined. A smile tugged at both their lips. He’d walked her to the bar, put both hands on her cheeks and kissed her thoroughly before he waved at Gareth and left without a word. She’d run into the staff room, flushing. Gareth said nothing about it when she’d emerged, but she saw him whispering furiously to Evan later. Both their eyes had been on her.

  Neither of the werewolves had remarked on their relationship, which had come as a surprise to both of them. It had been a couple of weeks and they’d yet to say a thing. Izzy had just shrugged her coat on after the bar had closed. Gareth was texting on his phone when she walked out the staff room.

  “Loverboy not picking you up tonight?” he asked without looking up.

  “Oh, now you want to make a smart remark about us.”

  He looked up, grinning.

  “How could we say anything? It’s been a fucking long time since Evan and I have seen him happy.”

  She had a feeling there was more to it he wasn’t saying. Had it got something to do with why Rex couldn’t stand violence anymore?

  “You’re good for him, Izzy.”

  “Well, thanks… he’s good for me too. And no, he’s working.”

  Rex did a lot of odd jobs that had him working at weird hours. He was at his bouncer gig tonight at a club for supernaturals. He’d been a little vague about the details, but she knew it was called ObliVion.

  “You want me to walk you home?”

  “It’s okay. I’m a panther, what’s the worst that could happen?”

  “I heard about what you’re capable of. Dan and Gerry wouldn’t shut up about it for weeks. Idiots.”

  She flushed. She didn’t like thinking about what she’d done to Bart the first time she’d shifted. It was one of the worst days of her life.

  “That was an accident.”

  “No judgement here. You’re not the first shifter to hurt someone and you won’t be the last.”

  She gave him a tight smile.

  “Just be careful out there.”

  “I will. I think Rex will have my head if I don’t text him to say I’ve got home okay.”

  She waved at Gareth as she walked out. She made it a little way down the street before someone grabbed her from behind and pulled her into a dark alley. They slammed her against the wall, towering over her.


  “A… Alan?”

  He looked immaculate. His hair neatly styled, his signature navy suit pressed.

  “Yes, sweet girl.”

  “How did you find me?”

  “Your little friends are quite talkative.”

  Who had he talked to? Who had he leant on?

  “I told you to stay away from Hannah.”

  “Oh, it wasn’t Hannah. Juliette was eager to tell me all about your new career after she got down on her knees. She has quite the skilful tongue.”

  She felt sick. She didn’t even like Juliette. Had Hannah told Erica? She should’ve known better than to blab to any of our other friends. There was no time to think about it now. It didn’t matter how he’d found out.

  “What do you want?”

  “You, of course.”

  “You can’t have me. I’m not a piece of property.”

  He ran a hand down the column of her throat. It made her skin crawl. Her panther growled.

  “Sweet Isadora, I’ve missed you.”

  “Don’t make me laugh. You miss having someone to take your anger out on.”

  “I’ve told you many times, I don’t like hurting you. You leave me no choice.”

  His hand brushed lower, over her chest. She shoved it away. She didn’t want him touching her. Why is he here now? I’m done with him and his shit.

  “Make all the excuses you want, it’s still abuse and I’m done. You make me sick.”

  “My love for you is abuse?”

  “You don’t love me, Alan. You don’t even know the meaning of the word. Now, let me go.”

  “Oh, I don’t think so.”

  He shoved her harder against the wall before his mouth was on hers. She struggled against him, trying to push him away. Her panther roared in her head. She couldn’t let her out. She didn’t want another human death on her hands. He held her arms against the wall, preventing her from shoving him off. She tried to bring her knee up, but he pressed himself against her.

  “Oh, Isadora, having you fight back is ever so sweet.”

  “Get the fuck off me!”

  She wasn’t about to allow him to take her against her will again.

  “You can struggle all you want, sweet girl, but I’m not letting you go. You’re mine.”

  His breath was hot on her face. She couldn’t stand the smell of his cologne.

  “I won’t tell you again. Get off!”

  He frowned for a moment.

  “What… why are your eyes…?”

  She was losing control. Her panther was pressing against her. She knew her eyes had grown more feline. No, I can’t shift in front of him. I just can’t.

  “Get off,” she growled.

  Alan was ripped away from her as she scented another shifter. The newcomer slammed Alan into the wall on the other side of the alley.

  “I think the lady asked you nicely.”

  That voice! It was familiar yet had a slightly different lilt to it.

  “Who the fuck are you?” Alan asked.

  Izzy slowly realised what that scent was. Panther. It didn’t quite smell the same as Rex. She was so familiar with him now. Intimately familiar.

  The man flipped down his hood. Her heart stopped.

  “You again!”

  Chapter Fourteen

  Izzy had no idea how this was possible. It can’t be. He can’t be!

  “Oh, I don’t believe we’ve met,” the man said.

  “You were with her before,” Alan said, struggling in the man’s grip.

  “You must be mistaking me for my twin.”

  “Twin? What the fuck? Wait… he had a scar on his eyebrow. Shit. You’re not him.”

  The man laughed. Twin? Rex has a twin? Why… why didn’t he tell me? He had too many secrets. She thought they were moving forward, but this made her heart wrench painfully in her chest.

  “No, but soon you’ll be wishing I was.”

  “Hey, let him go,” Izzy said.

  She might hate Alan, but she didn’t want this ending in a violent confrontation. Rex’s twin turned to her. They looked so much alike it made her heart ache. His hair was longer and there was no golden hue to his eyes.

  “He’s bothering you.”

  “It’s none of your business what he was doing. I don’t even know you.”

  “Oh, but you do, Isadora. I made you what you are.”

  Alan looked between the two of them, confusion in his eyes. She wasn’t about to explain about her new shifter status. It wasn’t any of Alan’s business.

  “Just let him go. He and I are done, isn’t that right, Alan?”

  He looked as if he was about to disagree. Her eyes pleaded with him. He had no idea he was in the clutches of a cold-blooded killer.

  “That’s right. I was just leaving.”

  The man looked between the two of them before his expression grew vicious.

  “He’s been hurting you,” he said. “I cannot allow that to stand.”

  She didn’t have time to react before his fist slammed into Alan’s face. His head bounced back on the brick wall. The sickening noise of his nose breaking made her flinch. He raised his fist again. Izzy launched herself towards him, grabbing his arm before he could hit Alan again.

  “Stop! Let him go.”

s twin turned to her again. His expression was deadly. She didn’t let go. Alan was holding his face, blood pouring down it.

  “Give me one good reason.”

  “He’s not worth it. Just leave him alone.”

  He shook her off, shoving her away from the two of them. He punched Alan in the stomach. Once. Twice. She jumped on his back, trying to stop him. Alan bent over, coughing as Izzy fought with Rex’s twin.

  “Isadora, you are trying my patience.”

  “Stop hurting him!”

  He broke her hold around his neck, throwing her off. She fell to the ground, the impact sending a jolt up her spine. She hissed in pain but was on her feet again in moments. Rex’s twin had already shoved Alan on the floor and was stomping on him. Alan cried out in pain.

  Her eyes blazed with fury. This guy was crazy. She couldn’t allow him to beat the crap out of Alan or worse, kill him. She ran at him, slamming herself into his back and knocking him sideways. She kicked out, her foot connecting with his stomach. He staggered back. She stood over Alan, her blue eyes glowing.

  “I said leave him alone.”

  Rex’s twin straightened. He stared her down for a moment, but she stood her ground.

  “I see. Protecting a pathetic excuse for a human being like him is so beneath you. You’ll see. I’ll show you the way. You’re not ready yet, but you will be.”

  He flipped his hood back up and stalked away. What a fucking psycho. How can he be related to Rex? They’re nothing like each other. Alan groaned beneath her. She crouched beside him.

  “Let me see,” she said.

  He moved his hands away from his head. There was blood on his face where Rex’s twin had broken his nose, but it seemed to have stopped bleeding. His clothes were dirty from the ground. She wasn’t sure if he had broken ribs or not.


  She dug her phone out of her purse, dialling 999 for an ambulance. She spoke to the operator for several minutes before they assured her an ambulance and the police were on their way. She sat on the ground next to him, putting her head in her hands. She had no choice but to get help for him. He wasn’t a shifter, he couldn’t heal from this by himself.

  “Why are you helping me?” he asked, looking up at her.

  He looked pathetic, his perfect features marred by his broken nose. It wasn’t anything less than he deserved after what he’d done to her, but she hated violence. This wasn’t what she wanted at all.