Cursed Heart (After Dark Book 4) Read online

Page 12

  “I’m not a dick. No matter what you’ve done, I still wouldn’t wish this on you.”


  A couple of hours later, when she’d given her statement to the police, she was sitting in the hospital waiting room. She’d gone with him because she’d felt terrible about the situation. She needed to make sure he was okay. In all this madness, she’d barely had time to process it all.

  Rex had a twin brother. How could he not have told her? The physical similarities between them were so striking, but his brother had none of the warmth in his eyes that Rex had. His expression was cold and calculating. It made her sick. He was responsible for doing this to her. He’d forced her to become a werepanther.

  She pulled out her phone. There were several missed calls from Rex and a couple from Gareth. Making a choice about whose call she was going to return, she dialled.

  “Izzy, shit, Rex has been going crazy. Where are you? Are you okay?”

  It was hardly a surprise. Rex wouldn’t be happy this happened to her, but she couldn’t talk to him just yet.

  “I’m fine.”

  “Where are you?”

  “I’m at the hospital and before you ask, no, I’m not hurt.”

  “Why are you there? Have you called Rex yet?”

  She looked down at her lap.

  “No. Look, I can’t explain right now. Can you give me Dalia’s number, please? I need to speak to her.”

  Gareth was silent for a moment.

  “What’s going on?”

  “Please. This is really important.”

  “Fine, I’ll text it to you. Are you going to call Rex?”

  She didn’t know what to say to him. This was all so fucked up.

  “No. Just tell him I’m fine if he rings you again.”


  “Gareth, please. I just can’t speak to him right now.”

  She needed to calm down and process the storm of emotions raging inside her.

  “Okay. Just promise me you’re not in any trouble.”

  “I’m not. I promise. I just… I have to speak to Dalia.”


  He hung up. A minute later, her phone buzzed. He’d done as she asked. She took a deep breath before dialling the number he’d sent her.

  “Hello?” said an irritated female.

  “Hello, Dalia. This is Izzy. Gareth gave me your number.”

  “Right. It’s rather late, what can I do for you?”

  It was now or never. Her heart ached, but she had to do this. She had to tell the right person what was going on before she went home to Rex.

  “Look, I’m at the hospital because my ex-boyfriend turned up and started harassing me.”

  “And I should care about your little drama because?”

  Now I understand why Rex called her a raging bitch. What is her problem?

  “The werepanther you’ve been looking for beat the crap out of him. That’s why.”

  Dalia was silent for a minute.

  “Did you apprehend him?”

  “No. He left when I stopped him from killing my ex.”

  “But you’d be able to recognise him again if you saw him?”

  She wouldn’t ever be able to forget his face, not when she had spent the past couple of months staring into the eyes of his brother.

  “I can do one better than that.” She sighed. “Dalia, the murderer… the one who bit me is Rex’s twin brother.”

  “His what?”

  “Twin brother… I take it from your reaction you didn’t know about him either.”

  Clearly, she wasn’t the only one in the dark. I don’t know whether that makes me feel any better about this whole thing or not.

  “No. Rex doesn’t discuss his family with anyone. As far as I was aware they were all dead. Does he know?”

  “Not yet… I’m going to tell him when I get home.”

  “I don’t envy that task. Thanks for the information. I’ll get this to the right people. Is that everything?”



  She hung up without saying goodbye. Izzy sighed. She knew she’d done the right thing by telling Dalia, but she still couldn’t wrap her head around it all. A doctor approached her, his expression wary.

  “Are you Alan Johnson’s friend?” he asked.


  “You’re aware I can’t disclose medical information to a non-family member.”

  “Can you just tell me if he’s going to be okay or not? That’s all I need to know.”

  “Yes, he should be fine.”

  “Thank you.”

  The doctor nodded before he walked away, leaving her alone again. She stood. It was time she got back home and faced Rex. The police had already said she could leave. She’d wanted to make sure Alan was being taken care of before she disappeared.

  Despite the expense, she took a taxi home. It was three in the morning and she just wanted to get back. When she opened the front door, she found him pacing the living room. He stopped when he heard her. He strode across the room and gathered her up in his arms. He held her so tight she almost couldn’t breathe.

  “Rex… I need air,” she whispered.

  He released his hold on her a little, looking down at her with an expression of profound relief.

  “Izzy, I was so worried when I couldn’t get hold of you. Where have you been? Why didn’t you answer your phone?”

  She pushed him away, gently. She needed space to think. To be able to tell him what happened. She didn’t know where to start. His brow furrowed, confusion marring his features. Her heart ached. He looked so like his brother.

  “Rex… why didn’t you…”

  “Why didn’t I what? What’s going on?”

  “Why didn’t you tell me you have a twin?”

  He took a step back, shock flittering across his face. He ran a hand through his hair. It left it sticking up in places. His eyes fell on the floor, expression hardening.

  “Had. I had a brother.”


  “He’s dead, Izzy.”

  She shook her head. It had been his brother. She hadn’t made a mistake.

  “If he’s dead then how come I just saw him?”

  “You what?”

  She turned away. She couldn’t look at him as she began to explain what had happened that evening. Why she hadn’t come straight home. When she was finished, she looked up into his face. He looked like he’d seen a ghost.

  “Eli is alive?”

  “That’s his name?”

  “Elias…. Eli… I can’t. I don’t understand.”

  “Why did you think he was dead?”

  He took another step back, turning away. His fists clenched at his sides.

  “Because I killed him.”

  “You… you what?”

  She went over to him, turning his face towards her. He wore that same haunted expression he had the day Alan had harassed Hannah. When they’d talked about his aversion to violence.

  “I killed him, Izzy. I had no choice. He’s not right in the head. Fuck… I should’ve known. I just didn’t think it was possible. I thought he was dead. He should be fucking dead.”

  “You’re not making any sense.”

  “My brother was… is a murderous psychopath with no regard for anyone or anything but himself, Izzy. The only people he cared about were our mother and me, but even that didn’t stop him. I tried to help him. There isn’t a shred of humanity left inside him. None. He left me with no choice.”

  She backed away from him until she hit the kitchen counter. He’d killed his own brother. The Rex she knew wouldn’t do such a thing, but what did she really know about him? He’d kept everything important from her.

  “You killed him?”

  “Clearly, I didn’t since he’s still up, running around and murdering girls.”

  She couldn’t help flinching at his tone.

  “Don’t look at me like that, Izzy. It wasn’t on purpose. We
fought with each other. It was him or me. He wasn’t moving by the time it was over and I thought… I thought he was dead.”

  “How long ago?”

  “Five years. We were both your age.”

  He’d thought for five years he’d killed his own brother. This was all kinds of messed up. Nothing about this situation made her feel any better.

  “Why did he leave me alive?”

  “I have no fucking idea. I don’t know what he’s thinking or why he’s back or why he’s doing all of this now. It doesn’t make any sense.”

  She stared at the floor, finding it impossible to look at him any longer. She could remember the cold, calculating green eyes of his brother. Rex and Eli are not the same person. They’re not. Rex is kind and gentle and cares for me. She shook herself, trying to wade through the mess of emotions inside her. Eli did this to you, not Rex.

  Her panther paced inside her. She was as confused as Izzy. She’d smelt Eli and found him wanting. Eli wasn’t Rex.

  “Izzy… say something.”

  “I don’t know what to say. Your brother attacked me. Turned me into this thing that I don’t even understand nor did I want to be. And he wants me to go to him. How do I even begin to unravel that mess? And the worst part is you two look so fucking alike! I can’t even. I just can’t.”


  She put a hand up. She needed a minute to get her head around it.

  “Look at me.”

  She couldn’t. She needed to take a moment to breathe, to calm the raging storm of emotions inside her. She cared about Rex so much. Her feelings for him were all consuming. Every inch of her needed him. She knew who he was. He wouldn’t have fought with his own brother without reason.

  “Izzy… why won’t you look at me? Please, Izzy.”

  “I need a minute. I just need a minute.”

  She rubbed the back of her neck, closing her eyes. She remembered the way he’d looked at her after they’d first had sex. His green, gold eyes glinting with happiness. Adoration. He was the only person to ever look at her like she was the single most important person in their life. Rex was hers. Was she really going to throw everything away because his brother looked like him?

  It wouldn’t be fair. Rex isn’t his brother. Rex is Rex. He’s my Rex.

  “Izzy… are you… are you going to leave me now?”

  Chapter Fifteen

  Izzy opened her eyes, staring at him with confusion. She took a step forward. How could he ask her that?

  “What? What kind of question is that?”

  “You see a monster when you look at me, don’t you? You see him.”

  No. No, I don’t. I see you for who you really are.

  “Everyone leaves me eventually. I don’t know why I thought you’d be any different.”

  His words felt like a sucker punch to the stomach. She hadn’t even thought about the possibility of leaving him. She couldn’t. She needed him.

  “I don’t know why you would even ask me that, Rex. That’s really unfair. I asked you for a minute and you’re just jumping to conclusions.”

  He was silent, staring at her with a grave expression on his face. She took another step towards him. The distance between them felt like a vast, hollow cavern.

  “Do you have any idea how I feel about you?”

  His expression didn’t change. He’d shut her out. Her heart twisted in her chest. She had to try. She had to make it right. She closed the distance further. All of her concerns about Eli flew out the window. Here and now was more important. Getting him to see she wasn’t walking away. That she would stick by him no matter what.

  “Walking out that door would tear me apart. Do you understand that?”

  Nothing. He won’t even fucking give me any indication he’s taking me seriously! She put a hand on his arm, feeling the tension rippling off him in waves.

  “Being without you would break me. I won’t leave you. You hear me, I won’t do it. Even if you try to tell me to go. I won’t.”

  When he still didn’t react, she took the final step and wrapped her arms around him, holding him tight.

  “Please, don’t shut me out,” she whispered. “Please, Rex. I can’t do any of this without you.”

  Her heart was tearing at the seams. A sick feeling coiled in her stomach. His lack of acknowledgement hurt. His lack of anything hurt. She couldn’t understand it. Why is he being like this? What else could she say to make him see sense?

  “Rex, please say something. Please, I… Rex… You’re breaking my fucking heart right now.”

  He stiffened. She stole a glance at his face. Shock and confusion flittered across his features.

  “Your heart?” he whispered.

  Crap. I’ve really gone and fucking done it now. There wasn’t really any turning back from what she’d said. What she’d admitted. It was breaking her heart. She didn’t know if this was love she felt, but it was something close to that. He was everything to her.

  “Are you talking to me now?” she asked.


  Izzy’s heart. He couldn’t begin to unpack what that meant. How could she feel that way about him? Does it even matter? She feels that way about me. She just said it. She just told me I’m breaking her heart. He looked down at her. Her blue eyes were shining with unshed tears. It made his own heart ache with longing. She’s so beautiful, it almost hurts to look at her.

  He needed Izzy. Now more than ever. If Eli was really alive, if he was back, he’d need Izzy. Those memories haunted him every day. She’d been the only person who’d chased away the sick feeling he got whenever he thought about Eli.

  “Izzy… I…”

  He didn’t have the words. He held her face in his hands.

  “You promise you’re not leaving.”

  “I just said I wasn’t, Rex. Don’t you trust me?”

  He tugged her up onto tiptoes so he could kiss her. Their mouths met in a heated exchange. She gripped his t-shirt. She let out a little moan into his mouth. Fuck, this fucking girl. Of course I trust her. I just don’t want her to see all the dark parts of me. I never wanted her to know about Eli or what I had to do.

  He backed her towards the bedroom, needing her so much it ached. He tugged her coat off, discarding it before his hands were on her jeans.

  “I need you, Izzy. Like fucking air.”

  She said nothing. Her fingers gripped his t-shirt, pulling it off him before she unbuckled his belt. She seemed just as eager to have him as he was her. Her t-shirt came next, followed by her bra. They both struggled out of their jeans. I’ve never wanted anyone more in my life. She is the world. The whole fucking world. I’d do anything for this girl. Absolutely anything.

  He took her hands, urging her towards the bed. She went willingly and when he turned her around and made her get on all fours, she didn’t resist. She looked back at him with complete trust in her eyes. He ran his fingers down her back. Her skin was so soft. He was itching to feel her against him, to be inside her.

  He tugged off her underwear, running his hands over her behind. This was as close as it would get to them joining like their animals. His panther growled. He ran his fingers down between her soft folds. She was slick with heat. She wiggled against his fingers.


  The desperate need in her voice made him harder. He kicked off his boxers, standing between her legs. He gripped one of her hips before running his cock along her entrance. She moaned. The sound was like music to his ears.

  “Rex, please.”

  He needed no more encouragement. He sunk into her heated sex, growling. Fuck, she feels incredible. She always feels so fucking incredible. He gripped her other hip, anchoring himself to her. He wanted to be gentle, but she met him thrust for thrust. His self-control was shot in an instant. He slammed into her, over and over, feeling her clench around him. He leant over and growled in her ear. Kissing down her neck and back.

  “Rex, please, please don’t stop, fuck.”

  He thrust
deeper until she’d taken all of him. She cried out his name, her hands gripping the sheets in an iron hold. He reached around, coaxing her climax along with his fingers. She let out a series of unintelligible noises, her body shaking and trembling. He didn’t let up, continuing to pound into her. He wasn’t done with her yet. Her arms almost gave out, but he held her in place.

  “Izzy, Izzy… fuck… Izzy.”

  He was so close, but he wanted to make her come again. He loved how it felt when she did. He was sure the next one would send him right over the edge. She was panting, her chest heaving, sweat beading on her skin. The sight of it made it almost impossible to hold back. He grunted, trying to keep himself under control. He touched her core, stroking her already oversensitive nub. She bucked against him.

  “Ahh… I can’t… not again.”

  He ignored what she’d said. He knew she could. She was whimpering, struggling, trying to move away from his fingers.

  “You’re going to come for me again, Izzy,” he whispered in her ear.

  There was no let-up in pace. She cried out as the second wave gripped her. He could feel her trembling; clenching and it was like heaven. Letting go, he grunted again, meeting his own end. She sagged underneath him. He stepped away from her. She slumped on the bed, her arms splayed out. She looked so damn sexy. He shook his head, crawling on the bed and lying beside her, careful not to squish her arm.

  “You’re like… a sex wizard or something,” she mumbled.

  He laughed, running his fingers down her spine. All I want is for her to feel good, to know I’ll take care of her in whatever way she needs.

  “Mmm, that feels nice.”

  She turned her face towards him, a small smile playing on her lips. He continued to stroke her back. Her skin was clear of all the bite marks that had marred her back the night they’d met. A shifter’s ability to heal was one of the many mysteries of their kind.

  “Rex… I know we need to talk, but I’m exhausted.”

  It had been a long night for both of them. The fact that his brother was alive weighed heavily on him. She rolled over and shuffled off the bed, going into the bathroom for a moment. He snagged his boxers off the floor, tugging them back on before getting into bed.