Cursed Heart (After Dark Book 4) Read online

Page 13

  When she came out, she put her underwear back on before picking his t-shirt up off the floor. She pulled it over her head and grinned at him. It was far too big for her, but he still thought she looked sexy.

  He reached out to her and she crawled into bed next to him, curling herself around his side. She lay her head on his chest, stroking her fingers down his stomach. Her touch is like fire. This girl is fucking incredible. Fuck. What did I do to deserve her?

  “I promise you… I’m not going to leave. You didn’t answer me earlier. Do you trust me?” she asked.


  He meant it. He’d tell her the truth about his childhood, his past when they’d had some sleep. He needed her to understand why he’d fought with his brother. She closed her eyes as he stroked a hand down her back. This girl. She’s my whole world.

  He jolted awake, Izzy thrashed in the bed, whimpering. Her skin rippled between human and panther form. He moved to avoid a flying hand.


  He could see her face was tear streaked. Was she having a bad dream? He sat up, reaching out and holding her arms down on the bed. Her body wriggled uncontrollably.

  “Wake up.”

  When she didn’t respond, he moved, pinning her to the bed with his own body to stop her thrashing. Fuck. Izzy. What’s wrong? Shit. I need you to wake up. I need to see you’re okay.

  “No, no, no,” she whimpered.

  “Shh, Izzy. It’s okay.”

  “Don’t, I can’t. No.”

  His heart contracted. Seeing her suffering was eating him up inside. He let go of one of her hands, cupping her face to wipe away the tears.

  “Izzy… wake up, please.”

  Her eyelids fluttered open. Blinking rapidly, she stared up at him. A sob escaped her mouth. He let go of her other arm. She wrapped both around him, burying her face in his chest.

  “Rex… you’re real.”

  “Last time I checked anyway.”

  He rolled them over onto their sides, holding her to him, running his fingers down her back.

  “We need to speak to Alistair again,” she said.


  “About Eli. About what he’s doing to me.”


  “I saw it. Everything he did to those girls.”

  “You mean…”

  “He showed me through his eyes.”

  His arm around her tightened. She shouldn’t have to go through all this. What was Eli trying to achieve? Terrifying her half to death wasn’t going to make her amenable to joining him.

  “We’ll call him when you’ve got some more sleep.”

  “I can’t go back to sleep. What if he does it again?”

  “Izzy, you’re exhausted.”

  She wriggled out of his grasp, shuffling off the bed. He sat up, frowning.

  “What are you doing?”

  “I might not be able to sleep, but she can.”

  She threw off his t-shirt and kicked off her underwear. She crouched down and the air around her shimmered before he had a chance to object. A moment later, a panther stood in her place. She yawned and stretched.

  She hopped up onto the bed and curled up next to him, resting her head on her paws. He shook his head, chuckling. She wasn’t as big as he was in panther form, but she wasn’t exactly small either. She took up quite a bit of space in the bed. He lay back, stroking the top of her head. She mewed in contentment.

  “You’re crazy, you know that?”

  She raised her head, blinking at him.

  “Okay, not crazy as such. Perhaps a little off the wall?”

  She blinked again.

  “You know, I didn’t expect to have to ever share my bed with another panther.”

  She shifted, resting her head on his chest.

  “You’re lucky I like you, but don’t think I appreciate cat hair in my bed or should I say panther fluff?”

  She growled a little at him. He grinned, stroking her head again.

  “It’s okay, Izz, I don’t mind really.”

  She drifted off to sleep next to him, twitching a little. He wanted to know if she’d meant what she’d said earlier. Does she love me? He couldn’t think why she would’ve said it otherwise. He didn’t want to break her heart. She had already had enough crap from other guys in her life. He wanted to make her happy. She deserves everything. She deserves a life full of joy.

  He sighed, running his fingers down her back. It wasn’t that strange to have her in her animal form next to him. He supposed it meant she was comfortable enough around him. She’d come leaps and bounds in the short time they’d known each other. Accepting this new life couldn’t have been easy.

  He didn’t know what they would do about Eli. He couldn’t allow his brother to keep murdering girls. He knew he wouldn’t have a choice. He’d have to go through with it again. He’d have to make sure this time his brother was really dead.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Izzy sat back as she finished telling Alistair the whole story with Rex and Eli. His blue eyes were inquisitive.

  “It is curious. I did not believe it possible to share memories in such a way,” he said. “I’m afraid I haven’t gathered much from my research.”

  “I suppose it’s too much to ask that the shifter community writes this stuff down,” she replied.

  “The curse of keeping our world a secret, it extends into every aspect of life.”

  Her phone buzzed loudly. She checked the caller.

  “Um, I need to take this.”

  He nodded at her. She answered the phone.

  “Where’s Rex?” Dalia asked without saying hello.

  “Working. Why?”

  “There’s been another one.”

  What the hell? Eli had only just beat the crap out of Alan last night and now he’d killed another girl.

  “What? So soon?”

  “She was found in Green Park two hours ago. Tell Rex to phone me when he’s done.”

  Alistair waved at her to get her attention.

  “Has he killed again?” he asked.

  She nodded.

  “Let me speak to her.”

  “Hold on, Dalia, Alistair wants a word,” Izzy said into the phone before she handed it to him.

  “Will you send me photos of the crime scenes?” he asked. “Why? Because I have a feeling he’s doing this for a reason and I might be able to shed some light on it.”

  There was silence for a long moment.

  “Thanks, Izzy can text you my number. I need to see the pattern of the bite marks.”

  He hung up a moment later before tapping out a text to Dalia. He handed the phone back to Izzy.

  “What’s so important about the pattern?” she asked.

  “A pattern would indicate a ritual. I suspect he is using blood magic, but I cannot be certain.”

  “Blood magic?”

  She paled. What kind of crap was Eli involved in? She knew from Rex he was a bit psychotic, but this was a whole new level of wrong.

  “Yes, it is forbidden amongst witches, but often used by the fae. I had to deal with a case of it recently.”

  “You did?”

  He looked a little conflicted for a moment.

  “Grace’s mother killed another witch as a sacrifice to open the Gates of Hell.”

  Well, that’s just… wow. Shit. And I thought Rex had a fucked up family.

  “Oh. Is she okay?”

  “Grace? Yes, she doesn’t care for her mother.”

  “She’s nervous around new people, isn’t she?”

  He grinned, a little spark of light shining in his eyes. It was clear he loved the girl.

  “She doesn’t like people much in general, but she’s my world and I’m hers.”

  His phone buzzed. He slipped it out of his pocket. A moment later, he frowned deeply.

  “This is worse than I thought. Say, doesn’t your Rex work at ObliVion?”

  My Rex? I suppose he is.

  He stood, blue smoke trailing from his fingers. She stared at him in alarm as a purple light appeared in front of him. Alistair hadn’t performed magic in front of her before.

  “We need to see the fae. Rex will want to hear about this too.”

  “What is that?”

  “A portal.”

  He indicated with his head. She stood up before slipping on her trainers and a coat. They stepped into the portal together. She felt the wind rushing around her momentarily before her feet hit the pavement. They were standing in an alley. She hadn’t been to ObliVion before. Alistair felt for a brick and a door appeared. They went through into a long hallway where the sign hung on the wall. She could hear the music pounding.

  “We can find Rex after I’ve tracked down a wayward fairy,” Alistair said as he led her to the door on the left at the end of the hall.

  It was a hip looking bar. The sound of the music died down. She imagined the club was through the other side. There was a girl with blue hair at the bar.

  “Another woman? You know no bounds, witch,” she said with a smile.

  “She is a client. Now, where’s Raoul?” Alistair asked with an expression of irritation.

  “In the corner, but you might want to come another night.”

  “I’ll take my chances.”

  The girl shrugged before turning away. Alistair walked over to the far corner with Izzy trailing behind, wondering what exactly he needed a fairy’s help for. In a large booth sat a man with blonde hair and elongated canines. Next to him, a woman with hair so pale it was almost white with inhumanly beautiful features. Her eyes were violet. They’re fae. They have to be.

  “Alistair, it has been an age,” she said, a sing-song lilt to her voice.

  “Gwilliana,” he replied, his eyes narrowing.

  “You should address my queen by her title,” the man with blonde hair said.

  “Raoul, it is no matter. What can we do for you?” Gwilliana said.

  Raoul sniffed the air before his eyes narrowed.

  “Why are you in the company of an animal?” he asked.

  Izzy felt her hackles rise. That’s just rude. I’m not just an animal thank you very much.

  “Please allow me to introduce you to Izzy, she is the reason I am here,” Alistair said, his gaze on Gwilliana.

  “It is a pleasure. You are a shifter, are you not?”

  “Yes, I’m a panther,” Izzy replied.

  “Ah, the feline. Solitary creatures.”

  “Yes, well, now we’ve dispensed with the introductions, I can get down to business,” Alistair said.

  Gwilliana indicated with her head for him to continue.

  “Do you know of the bond between the bitten and their creator?”

  “I have heard such a thing exists.”

  “The panther who bit Izzy is performing a monthly blood ritual,” he said, pulling out his phone and handing it to Gwilliana. “Those are fae symbols, are they not?”

  The queen looked at the pictures for a moment before she returned the phone to Alistair.

  “This is the ritual to maintain a life force which is dying. Either he needs it or someone else.”

  “Rex thought he’d killed his brother,” Izzy said quietly to Alistair.

  “So, it could be him.”

  “It was five years ago. This has only been happening in London for seven, maybe eight months. Unless he’s been doing this elsewhere.”

  “Why would he need to do this monthly?” Alistair asked, turning back to the fae.

  “A life for a life is usually sufficient, but in cases of terminal illness or near death, it is not so simple,” Gwilliana replied. “I do not know how a shifter would come to know of this ritual unless one of my kind showed him.”

  “This is troubling.”

  “I will conduct enquiries,” the queen said. “It will not go unpunished. Revealing such things outside the fae court is forbidden.”

  “Thank you, Queen Gwilliana.”

  Alistair nodded at her. She waved a hand.

  “This affects my court. I will inform you of the outcome.”

  Alistair turned away, tugging Izzy’s arm. She went willingly and only spoke up when they were out of earshot.


  “Yes, she rules England, but she is often here. It is fortuitous. Raoul is notorious for mischief and may not have answered our questions. Shall we find Rex?”

  She nodded, unsure what to make of what they’d discovered. Could Eli really be in the company of one of the fae? Rex said his brother cared for no one. Maybe Rex didn’t know Eli as well as he thought he did.

  They went into the club side of ObliVion. The bass was pumping so loud, the floor vibrated. Bodies, slick with sweat, melded together, swaying to the beat. She could barely hear herself think over the music. Alistair peered around before making a beeline for the back, past one of the three bars. She did her best to follow along behind, pushing through the crowd.

  When they reached the cordoned off areas, she spied her werepanther standing by one of the ropes. His arms crossed over his chest, a scowl on his face. Her heart fluttered at the sight of him. Behind him, there were several booths occupied by what she was sure were vampires. The sight of fangs and blood was unmistakable. She shivered a little. So, that’s what goes on here. No wonder Rex didn’t want to tell me.

  When Rex caught sight of them, his eyebrows raised. His arm shot out, pulling her into his chest. He kissed the top of her head, breathing her in. Looking down at her, his green, gold eyes full of heart rendering adoration. She damn near melted on the spot.

  “What are you doing here?” he asked.

  “Alistair needed to speak with the fae. Dalia rang, there was another attack. We think we know why Eli is doing this.”

  He nodded, looking over at the witch as he let her go.

  “You’re not mad I left the flat, are you?” she asked.

  “No. You’ve got a witchy protector.”

  His lips curved up at the side. Alistair rolled his eyes.

  “The queen is here. The markings your brother is making on the girls are fae. They are to maintain a life force, but who’s we do not know. It doesn’t explain why he wants Izzy, but it seems he has an accomplice,” the witch said.

  “Then we need to find Eli as soon as possible,” Rex said, shaking his head.

  “We should speak to Dalia,” Izzy said.

  “Thank you for this, Alistair.”

  The witch nodded, giving the two of them a tight smile.

  “Would you mind taking her home?” Rex indicated her with a nod of the head.

  “Of course,” Alistair replied.

  Rex turned back to her. She wanted to curl herself around him, but he was working. He leant close to her ear.

  “I won’t let Eli hurt you, Izz. I’ll see you at home.”

  Before he could pull away, she caught his face. Staring up into his beautiful eyes, her heart thumped uncomfortably. She cared for him too much. Far too much. Is this love between us? Ignoring her troubled thoughts, she gave him a brief kiss before releasing him. His lips curved up into another smile. He brushed her hair from her face, tucking it behind her ear. She stepped back, giving him a smile before she followed Alistair from the club.


  Gareth leant against the back bar, arms crossed. Rex sat on the other side, staring up at Izzy. He reached out, taking her hand, entwining their fingers together. His smile was electrifying. She felt heat rising to her face.

  She’d been asleep when he got in. He’d woken her up with his lips on her neck and continued a tortuous path down her chest. Her toes curled just thinking about their sexcapades last night and this morning.

  “You two need to get a room,” Gareth said.

  “Jealous much?” Rex said.

  Gareth was about to reply when the door swung open. The air inside the bar seemed to cool. In walked a tall woman with piercing grey eyes, short blonde hair and an air of authority surrounding her. All t
he werewolves in the bar stiffened and gave her a nod of deference. Even Gareth bowed his head longer than necessary. She walked over to the bar in a few long strides before taking a seat next to Rex. She eyed Izzy with a neutral expression for a moment. Gareth slipped away to fix her a drink.

  “Hello, Dalia,” Rex said, turning to the werewolf Alpha.

  He didn’t let go of Izzy’s hand. The female wolf stared down at their fingers with a frown before she raised her eyes back to Izzy.

  “Last time we met, you were unconscious,” she said.

  “I suppose being bitten does that to a person,” Izzy replied.

  “Quite.” She turned to Rex. “Start explaining.”

  He released Izzy’s hand as he started to talk about Eli. Dalia listened intently to what he knew of his brother.

  “So, he should be dead?” she asked.

  “Yes. He shouldn’t have been able to heal from it. It was him or me. I had no choice.”

  She was silent for several moments. Rex hadn’t told them what exactly he did to Eli. She could see the pain in his eyes every time he spoke of his brother. It still haunted him to this day.

  “Do you have any idea why one of the fae would save his life?”

  Rex shook his head.

  “Eli kept too many secrets. We were close as kids, but after what happened with our parents… he was never the same.”

  Izzy stiffened. Rex had only mentioned his mother once. She didn’t think he was ready to tell anyone what happened.

  “Gwilliana will not stand for any sort of betrayal. If she discovers who it is, there will be no mercy,” Dalia said as she sat back, sipping the green tea Gareth had brought her a little while ago.

  Izzy felt a chill run down her spine. The fae queen was beautiful. She wasn’t sure such a woman would be capable of anything violent, but she didn’t know much about the fae.

  “No. We need to find Eli first and deal with the situation.”


  The two of them lapsed into silence. Rex reached out and took Izzy’s hand again, his thumb running across the back soothingly. Dalia’s eyes fell on them, narrowing at the sight of their hands together.

  “You know, I told you to keep an eye on her. That didn’t include falling into bed with your charge, Rex.”